This works very well. I've not been not maintaining it for a while. I'll give you gals and guys some pointers.
- OpenCV Version
- Tensorflow Version (This is a major problem. This code was written for a really really old version. I don't even remeber it. I did it in a trance!)
- This is C++ implementation of the Facenet classifier for the Facenet project by David Sandberg
- Part of the Tensor Flow code has been taken from davidsandberg/facenet#357 and tensorflow/tensorflow#8033
- Preprocessing of Images is done using code posted by knighthappy on davidsandberg/facenet#357
- It has been compiled & run using OpenCV 3.3.0 and Tensor Flow 1.4.0 on Fedora 26 x86_64 and Ubuntu 16.04 x86_64
- It has been also adapted for OpenCV 4
cd src && mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
- ./run <TRAIN|CLASSIFY> <Path/To/TensorFlowModel> <Path/To/Image/Directory/Structure> <Path/To/Classifier/Model>
- Directory structure should be <class_id>/<image_files>
- Face images should be 160x160, otherwise they will be resized
- More Testing Needed
- Results are good with more than one input image given to the pre-trained model.
- to get in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/
- <- this one was used here