Fake terminal with multiple tools for Shadowrun Rpg game. The goal of this litle program is to make a fake terminal that players will be able tu use during Shadowrun Tabletop Rpg's.
There will be multiples command lines that the player can use during the game:
- Home : Place where you have a tiny charachter sheet and you can acces differents parts of your character sheet
- Wiki : Give you acces to the official frensh wikipedia info
- Notes : To easily add and delete notes during the game
- Events : Is linked to a webpage where the game master can add fake Emails and riddles before and during the gamewith easy in game activation
- Help : Gives you the specific commands for each page in witch you are
The goal for me is to match my screen size on the text terminal of my Debian mini laptop like on the picture:
But it works fine on git bash and Cmd.