Welcome to cosmos-P, a custom fork of cosmos specificly designed for Prism-OS! i mainly made this to mess around with different things, Below you can find instructions on how to install Cosmos-P.
For documentation and technical information, see the Cosmos Documentation.
If you have questions about how to use Cosmos-P, want to show off what you have made or have general questions, go check out Github Discussions. If you think you found a bug in Cosmos-P, please check exising issues first before opening a new one.
First: you need to downlaod cosmos from this repo, extract the zip contents and rename cosmos-master to cosmos.
Next: in the cosmos directory, There is a file called "install-VS2019.bat", run that file as an administrator. The cosmos devkit compiler should appear on screen next, this will compile the installer and will open the compiled setup file. (please note that the instalation may take a while) After that, cosmos should be sucesfuly installed to your system. in visual studio, go to Create a new project > select cosmos C# kernel, and start developing!