OpenRecall is a fully open-source, privacy-first alternative to proprietary solutions like Microsoft's Windows Recall. With OpenRecall, you can easily access your digital history, enhancing your me…
Port of the AlephOne engine on Android
Select the next applet at random or by cycling through a list.
Allows for phone and text message polling.
Slightly more advanced keyword matching for SMS.
Lets you call out with a flow now or later. Start or schedule calls and messages within a flow.
Track the current flow using Google Analytics
An applet plugin for OpenVBX that continues the flow by starting another flow or redirecting to a TwiML URL.
An applet plugin for OpenVBX that routes calls based on caller ID
OpenVBX applet that makes a request to a webserver and reads back the text returned
OpenVBX plugin that redirects back to the beginning of a call or SMS flow.
Open VBX Framework for realtime display of contextual business intelligence