This application isn't finished yet.
Built with MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React and Node) + (GrapgQL).
⚡️⚡️⚡️ Live Demo ⚡️⚡️⚡️
PS. The realtime chat doesn't work on the live demo, cause vercel doesn't support WS, but it works fine on localhost, and will deploy ot to another host once it's done.
This App is made to create a socail network where people can connect, meet each other depends on interests in common, and will support real time chat
Project is created with:
- Express
- GraphQL Yoga
- Mongoose
- ....
- React JS
- Next JS
- ....
- Built with GraphQL
- Apollo
- MVC (Model-View-Controller)
- CRUD operations
- Authentication system
- Encrypting passwords
- Images handling using multer
To run this project, install it locally using npm:
$ cd social-app
$ npm install
$ npm run dev:backend (for graphql + Node server side development)
$ npm run dev:frontend (for React client side development)
$ npm run dev (for both client and server side)
Please consider adding these envirnment variables to have the app working
DB_URI=mongodb+srv:// JWT_SECRET = your JWT secret. CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME = this one is for images upload on cloudinary. CLOUDINARY_API_KEY = also for cloudinary. CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET = also for cloudinary. DOMAIN_URI = (if you're on localhost keep it "localhost", if you will deploy it put the URL).
👤 Mohamed Elashmawy
- Twitter: @hamohuh
- Github: @moelashmawy
- Linkedin: @moelashmawy
- Email: [email protected]
- This project is MIT licensed.