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  • Pre-requisites
    • PHP version >= 7.2
    • PHP SQLite extension
    • Composer package manager
  • Run the following commands to get the Jira logger project
composer create-project mohamed-abdul-fattah/jira-logger
cd jira-logger
# List Jira logger commands
php jiralogger list


  • Pre-requisites
  • Run the following commands to setup Jira logger via docker
composer create-project mohamed-abdul-fattah/jira-logger
cd jira-logger
docker-compose up -d
# Use the following command to interacte with the jiralogger
# through the docker container
docker exec -it jiralogger-cli php jiralogger


Setup Command

setup command should be run once at the setup of the command line tool to create the database and request for your Jira server URI.

# is an example of your Jira server URI
php jiralogger setup

Timezone Command

Use config:timezone command to configure the start and end log time timezone

php jiralogger config:timezone
# Choose between UTC and Africa/Cairo timezones

Connect Command

connect command is your way for authentication with your Jira server. Logs syncing process needs authentication.

There are 2 ways for authentication with Jira servers

  1. Cookies based authentication (older deprecated mechanism)
# This way, connect command will ask for your Jira username and password
php jiralogger connect --use-cookies

# You can provide username via command options
php jiralogger connect -u john.doe --use-cookies
  1. Basic authentication using API tokens. Get your Jira API token from here.
# This way, connect will ask for you Jira username (email) and API token
php jiralogger connect

# You can provide username via command options alongside with the API token
php jiralogger connect -u [email protected] --api-token token

Start Command

Use log:start command to start a logging timer for a Jira task.

# Running start with task ID would start with "now" time
php jiralogger log:start TASK-123

# Optionally, you can provide log starting time and log description
php jiralogger log:start TASK-123 -t 13:20 -d "Work in progress"

Using tempo add-on for logging with custom attributes (visit tempo section for more information) can be handled with the group option. Refer to tempo attributes for more information about custom attributes.

php jiralogger log:start TASK-123 -g groupname

Stop Command

Use log:stop command to stop a logging timer for a Jira task.

# Running stop will stop task at "now" time
php jiralogger log:stop

# Optionally, you can provide end time and override starting description
php jiralogger log:stop -t 15:30 -d "DONE"

Using tempo add-on for logging with custom attributes (visit tempo section for more information) can be handled with the group option. Refer to tempo attributes for more information about custom attributes.

# Override provided tempo group on log:start
php jiralogger log:stop -g groupname

Status Command

Use log:status command to get the current running task information if any, and the total un-synced logs items.

php jiralogger log:status

Abort Command

Use log:abort command to abort a logging timer for a started Jira task.

php jiralogger log:abort

Sync Command

Use log:sync command to sync and log times to Jira tasks. Requires authentication (via connect command)

php jiralogger log:sync


Tempo is a Jira add-on for better time tracking and reports. Before using Tempo features, check with your admin whether it is installed on your Jira server or not.

Attributes Command

Use tempo:attributes to save custom attributes added by your Jira admin.

php jiralogger tempo:attributes '{"_Role_": {"name": "Role","value": "Developer","workAttributeId": 2},"_Account_": {"name": "Account","value": "PROJ","workAttributeId": 3}}'

By default, attributes are saved under default group name. While you can provide different attributes with different group names.

php jiralogger tempo:attributes '{"_Role_": {"name": "Role","value": "Developer","workAttributeId": 2},"_Account_": {"name": "Account","value": "PROJ","workAttributeId": 3}}' -g mygroup

Attributes List Command

Use tempo:list to list the saved attributes by tempo:attributes

php jiralogger tempo:list

Tempo Sync Command

Use tempo:sync to sync the logs to Jira using Tempo attributes. Default attributes group is used for un-grouped logs, while grouped logs (logs logged with group option) will use its group.

# By default the tempo group is "default"
php jiralogger tempo:sync
# You can override tempo group using group option
php jiralogger tempo:list -g groupname


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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


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