expressBookReviews Public
Forked from ibm-developer-skills-network/expressBookReviewsnodejsFinalModule
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 20, 2024 -
Tasker Public
Tasker is a modern To-Do List app built using Redux for state management, Tailwind CSS for styling, and a mock API for seamless CRUD operations. It also leverages the power of Redux Thunk as middle…
Gif-Maker Public
Gif Maker lets you select three images, desired frame duration and creates a gif that you can download
JavaScript UpdatedJan 21, 2024 -
Music-Library-API Public
An API for fetching, posting, updating, deleting and searching Music tracks using Node.js, MongoDB, Express.js
JavaScript UpdatedDec 23, 2023 -
Live-Weather-API Public
Live Weather backend using openweathermap.org API
Bus_Booking Public
An app for booking bus tickets - A Red Bus clone
BookMyShow-backend Public
This is the Backend for BookMyShow-frontend
BookMyShow-frontend Public
Our team developed Book My Show, a web app for movie ticket bookings. Built with React and styled using CSS, users can select movies, choose showtime slots and seats. MongoDB and Express.js were us…
Crypto-Scope Public
A Crypto Currency Dashboard for tracking crypto prices, developed using React, Tailwind, React-Redux and Coingecko Api.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 24, 2023 -
CryptoScope Public
Cryptocurrency dashboard - frontend project for AlmaBetter 2023
1 UpdatedMay 21, 2023 -
colorpalette Public
The project is a Color Palette React component that displays three randomly generated colors in a grid format. The component includes a "Generate" button that, when clicked, generates three new ran…