This repository contains code related to the MetaBrain project.
2021-deKleinEtAl/ contains code for the de Klein et al. 2021 manuscript "Brain expression quantitative trait locus and network analysis reveals downstream effects and putative drivers for brain-related diseases"
Other directories in this repository contain ongoing work.
If you use code or data from this MetaBrain project, please cite:
Brain expression quantitative trait locus and network analysis reveals downstream effects and putative drivers for brain-related diseases Niek de Klein, Ellen A. Tsai, Martijn Vochteloo, Denis Baird, Yunfeng Huang, Chia-Yen Chen, Sipko van Dam, Patrick Deelen, Olivier B. Bakker, Omar El Garwany, Zhengyu Ouyang, Eric E. Marshall, Maria I. Zavodszky, Wouter van Rheenen, Mark K. Bakker, Jan Veldink, Tom R. Gaunt, Heiko Runz, Lude Franke, Harm-Jan Westra bioRxiv 2021.03.01.433439; doi: