Epiclomal package, software for clustering of sparse DNA methylation data
If you use this software, please cite "Epiclomal: probabilistic clustering of sparse single-cell DNA methylation data, Camila P. E. de Souza, Mirela Andronescu, Tehmina Masud, Farhia Kabeer, Justina Biele, Emma Laks, Daniel Lai, Jazmine Brimhall, Beixi Wang, Edmund Su, Tony Hui, Qi Cao, Marcus Wong, Michelle Moksa, Richard A. Moore, Martin Hirst, Samuel Aparicio, Sohrab P. Shah, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/414482"
Set up conda with the required packages.
First ensure you have the correct channels:
conda config --add channels 'https://conda.anaconda.org/dranew'
conda config --add channels 'https://conda.anaconda.org/aroth85'
conda config --add channels 'https://conda.anaconda.org/shahcompbio'
conda config --add channels 'bioconda'
conda config --add channels 'r'
conda config --add channels 'conda-forge'
Clone Epiclomal:
git clone https://github.com/shahcompbio/Epiclomal.git
cd Epiclomal
Then create an environment with the required packages:
conda create --name Epiclomal --file conda_packages.txt
Activate the environment:
conda activate Epiclomal
Add Epiclomal Python package into the current site packages:
python setup.py install
Epiclomal R package has a dependency on DensityCut, which must be manually installed before adding Epiclomal R package. Install according to instructions listed here: https://bitbucket.org/jerry00/densitycut_dev/
git clone https://<BBUSERNAME>@bitbucket.org/jerry00/densitycut_dev.git
R CMD build densitycut_dev/
R CMD INSTALL densitycut_0.0.1.tar.gz
Epiclomal also has a dependency on the bigstatsr R package, to install, run command
in R.
Add Epiclomal R package into current site packages:
R CMD build REpiclomal
R CMD INSTALL REpiclomal_1.0.tar.gz
A Snakemake workflow exists to generate synthetic data and run the clustering and cluster evaluation software against the generated data.
This workflow follows this diagram, but with 300 iterations for run_epiclomal_basic and run_epiclomal_region
The Synthetic_data Snakemake workflow requires a config file, an example config file can be found at Epiclomal/snakemake/synthetic_data/config.yaml
, replace fields with appropriate paths and parameters. Then run
snakemake -s /path/to/Epiclomal/snakemake/synthetic_data/Snakefile --configfile /path/to/Epiclomal/snakemake/synthetic_data/config.yaml
to run the workflow locally. To submit the jobs on the shahlab cluster and with parallelization, run
snakemake -s /path/to/Epiclomal/snakemake/synthetic_data/Snakefile --cluster 'qsub -V -hard -q shahlab.q -l h_vmem={resources.h_vmem}G -S /bin/bash -o {params.qsub_out} -e {params.qsub_err}' -j 8 --configfile /path/to/Epiclomal/snakemake/synthetic_data/config.yaml
The real data pipeline requires two steps which are separated into two workflows. First, the real data must be preprocessed into a methylation and region file to be consumed by the clustering software.
The real data processing workflow requires a config file, an example config file can be found at Epiclomal/snakemake/process_real_data/config.yaml
, edit with appropriate paths and parameters. Ensure all cells to cluster are accounted for. Then run
snakemake -s /path/to/Epiclomal/snakemake/process_real_data/Snakefile --cluster 'qsub -V -hard -q shahlab.q -l h_vmem={resources.h_vmem}G -S /bin/bash -o {params.qsub_out} -e {params.qsub_err}' -j 8 --configfile /path/to/Epiclomal/snakemake/process_real_data/config.yaml
Then, to run the real data through the clustering software, an example config file can be found at Epiclomal/snakemake/real_data/config.yaml
, replace fields with the paths to the newly generated methylation and region files. Include a true clusters file if available.
The real data workflow does 1000 iterations of Epiclomal by default, to change this, edit line 13 of the Snakefile.
snakemake -s /path/to/Epiclomal/snakemake/real_data/Snakefile --cluster 'qsub -V -hard -q shahlab.q -l h_vmem={resources.h_vmem}G -S /bin/bash' -j 8 --configfile /path/to/Epiclomal/snakemake/real_data/config.yaml
Depending on the size of the data (number of cells and number of loci), more memory may be needed for each job, to do so, change the snakemake command to have h_vmem={memory_required}
In R, run library(REpiclomal)
to use Epiclomal R Package and ?REpiclomal
in R for documentation.
The Epiclomal Python package includes two scripts. One is the Epiclomal clustering algorithm and can be run using:
epiclomal {Basic-GeMM,Basic-BayesPy,Region-GeMM} --K {K} --config_file {config_file} --methylation_file {methylation_file} --copynumber_file {copynumber_file} --regions_file {regions_file} --initial_clusters_file {initial_clusters_file} --true_clusters_file {true_clusters_file} --true_prevalences {true_prevalences} --repeat_id {repeat_id} --bulk_file {bulk_file} --slsbulk_file {slsbulk_file} --slsbulk_iterations {slsbulk_iterations} --out_dir {out_dir} --mu_has_k {mu_has_k} --convergence_tolerance {convergence_tolerance} --max_num_iters {max_num_iters} --seed {seed} --labels_file {labels_file} --Bishop_model_selection {Bishop_model_selection} --check_uncertainty {check_uncertainty}
The other script is an clustering evaluation script that can be run using:
evaluate_clustering --true_clusters_file {true_clusters_file} --true_prevalences {true_prevalences} --predicted_clusters_file {predicted_clusters_file} --clusters_are_probabilities {clusters_are_probabilities} --results_file {results_file}
The base inputs for epiclomal are a list of cells of interest and their bismark bisulfite read files, a file containing regions of interest, and if available, a true cluster file.
The final outputs of the epiclomal pipeline are a file containing the best clustering from epiclomal, which can be found through all_results_bestrun_{basic|region}.tsv
which is created by the final evaluation script, and final methylation plots of the clustering.
Contains the Epiclomal python package. Package includes software to run Epiclomal clustering as well as clustering evaluation script.
Contains R scripts to process DNA methylation data given a set of functional regions to be ingestable by REpiclomal in R and Epiclomal in Python.
Contains REpiclomal R package. Contains non-probabilistic clustering method calling functions, visualization functions, and epiclomal evaluation functions.
Contains R scripts that are called by various parts of the epiclomal workflow. Scripts mainly call functions found in REpiclomal R package. These R scripts generate synthetic data, run non-probabilistic methods and generate plots. Some of the requirements for scripts are: MCMCpack, densityCut (https://bitbucket.org/jerry00/densitycut_dev) and its requirements, NbClust, pcaMethods, pheatmap, argparse.
Contains Snakefiles and config files that run Epiclomal workflow for real and synthetic data.