A Python module to interact with Tumblr's API.
Mainly used to copy a blog from one account to another. The copying process uses gevent, so copying actions take place asynchronously.
$ ls config.ini pytumblr.py
$ ./pytumblr.py Reading config...
Copying from 'Account 2' to 'Account 1'.
Which blog from 'Account 2' would you like to copy? 1.) Some blog 2.) Another Blog 3.) Thingy
Number: 2
Note: Tumblr's API does not allow blog creation at this time. You must copy posts to an existing blog.
Which blog from 'Account 1' woudl you like to copy TO? 1.) Blarg 2.) Blooorg 3.) Bleerg
Number: 3
Copying all posts from 'Account 2: Another Blog' to 'Account 1: Bleerg'.
Copied post: 1123552778 Copied post: 1375727863 + images Copied post: 1123552778 Copied post: 2609854737 Copied post: 3862760399 + audio Copied post: 1212159776 + video Copied post: 4368935920
See pytumblr.log for a more detailed report of what happened.