✅ Solutions to LeetCode by Go, 100% test coverage, runtime beats 100% / LeetCode 题解
Blazing-fast query execution engine speaks Apache Spark language and has Arrow-DataFusion at its core.
推荐/广告/搜索领域工业界经典以及最前沿论文集合。A collection of industry classics and cutting-edge papers in the field of recommendation/advertising/search.
This project uses a variety of advanced voiceprint recognition models such as EcapaTdnn, ResNetSE, ERes2Net, CAM++, etc. It is not excluded that more models will be supported in the future. At the …
Google Research
练习下用pytorch来复现下经典的推荐系统模型, 如MF, FM, DeepConn, MMOE, PLE, DeepFM, NFM, DCN, AFM, AutoInt, ONN, FiBiNET, DCN-v2, AFN, DCAP等
A PyTorch Library for Multi-Task Learning
【PyTorch】Easy-to-use,Modular and Extendible package of deep-learning based CTR models.
Must-read Papers for Recommender Systems (RS)
Models, data loaders and abstractions for language processing, powered by PyTorch
Library of various Few-Shot Learning frameworks for text classification
中文 NLP 预处理、解析工具包,准确、高效、易用 A Chinese NLP Preprocessing & Parsing Package
implementation several deep text match (text similarly) models for keras . cdssm, arc-ii,match_pyramid, mvlstm ,esim, drcn ,bimpm, bert, albert, raberta
Multi-thread implementation of Factorization Machines with FTRL for binary-class classification problem.
LibRerank is a toolkit for re-ranking algorithms. There are a number of re-ranking algorithms, such as PRM, DLCM, GSF, miDNN, SetRank, EGRerank, Seq2Slate.
Must-read papers on graph neural networks (GNN)
CogDL: A Comprehensive Library for Graph Deep Learning (WWW 2023)
Python package built to ease deep learning on graph, on top of existing DL frameworks.
This is a repository of public data sources for Recommender Systems (RS).
My blogs and code for machine learning.