Fullstack authentication and accounts-management for GraphQL and REST
Note: The packages within this repo are under active development — expect breaking changes with minor version updates.
The @accounts
suite of packages aims to provide the consumer an end to end authentication and accounts management solution, with a simple to start with interface while preserving options for configuration. These packages provide OAuth support for popular providers such as Instagram, Twitter, Github, two factor authentication, password based accounts along with recovery options and customizable account creation and validation.
The @accounts
packages are modular by nature and can be manually installed and configured, however we provide @accounts/boost
- a package containing useful abstractions to get a GraphQL accounts server started with minimal configuration.
Install the core
npm install @accounts/boost
Choose your database database driver
npm install @accounts/mongo
Choose your authentication services
npm install @accounts/password
The following starts an accounts server using the database, transport, and authentication services you provided with the default settings.
Start the accounts server
import accountsBoost from `@accounts/boost`;
(async () => {
const accounts = await accountsBoost({
tokenSecret: 'your secret'
port: 4003
At this point you will have an accounts GraphQL server running at http://localhost:4003 with a GraphQL playground available at the same address.
Configuring additional options, such as providing custom connection options for a database or additional parameters based on your chosen packages can be achieved by supplying an options object when initializing the accountsBoost
Assuming you've installed the following packages, @accounts/mongo
and @accounts/password
the default mongo connection options will be applied and a database called accounts-js
will be used.
Out of the box @accounts/password
is preconfigured to allow users to sign up with usernames or email addresses.
A GraphQL server can be extended with accounts functionality by using the accountsBoost.graphql()
This function will return the type definitions, resolvers, schema directives, the accounts GraphQL context function used for authentication, and finally the executable GraphQL schema.
These variables should then be referenced when creating your GraphQL server.
Adding accounts to a GraphQL server
import accountsBoost, { authenticated } from '@accounts/boost';
import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server';
import { mergeGraphQLSchemas, mergeResolvers } from 'graphql-toolkit';
(async () => {
const accounts = (await accountsBoost({
tokenSecret: 'terrible secret',
const typeDefs = `
type PrivateType @auth {
privateField: String
type Query {
publicField: String
privateField: String @auth
privateType: PrivateType
privateFieldWithAuthResolver: String
type Mutation {
privateMutation: String @auth
publicMutation: String
const resolvers = {
PrivateType: {
privateField: () => 'private',
Query: {
publicField: () => 'public',
privateField: () => 'private',
privateType: () => '',
privateFieldWithAuthResolver: authenticated((root, args, context) => {
return 'private';
Mutation: {
privateMutation: () => 'private',
publicMutation: () => 'public',
const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({
typeDefs: mergeGraphQLModules([typeDefs, accounts.typeDefs]),
resolvers: mergeResolvers([accounts.resolvers, resolvers]),
schemaDirectives: {
// In order for the `@auth` directive to work
context: ({ req }) => accounts.context({ req }),
} as any)
.then(res => {
console.log(`GraphQL server running at ${res.url}`);
Based on your requirements it can be advantageous to deploy a single accounts server which is then consumed by multiple apps.
The following examples will show you how to setup a GraphQL server which can be used to authenticate requests via JWT token.
First start an accounts server:
import accountsBoost from '@accounts/boost';
(async () => {
const accounts = await accountsBoost({
tokenSecret: 'terrible secret',
const accountsServer = await accounts.listen();
Next you need to configure your existing GraphQL server to authenticate incoming requests by using the context function provided by accountsBoost
. Additionally you may merge your existing GraphQL server schema with the accounts server schema.
import accountsBoost, { authenticated } from '@accounts/boost';
import {
} from 'graphql-tools';
import { HttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http';
import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import { setContext } from 'apollo-link-context';
const accountsServerUri = 'http://localhost:4003/';
(async () => {
const accounts = (await accountsBoost({
tokenSecret: 'terrible secret',
micro: true, // setting micro to true will instruct `@accounts/boost` to only verify access tokens without any additional session logic
// Note: the following steps are optional and only required if you want to stitch the remote accounts schema with your apps schema.
// Creates a link to fetch the remote schema from the accounts microservice.
const http = new HttpLink({ uri: accountsServerUri, fetch });
const link = setContext((request, previousContext) => {
if (!previousContext.graphqlContext) {
return {};
// Attach the Authorization to requests which are proxied to the remote schema.
// This step is optional and only required if you want the `getUser` query to return data.
return {
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + previousContext.graphqlContext.authToken,
const remoteSchema = await introspectSchema(link);
const executableRemoteSchema = makeRemoteExecutableSchema({
schema: remoteSchema,
// The @auth directive needs to be declared in your typeDefs
const typeDefs = `
directive @auth on FIELD_DEFINITION | OBJECT
type PrivateType @auth {
privateField: String
type Query {
publicField: String
privateField: String @auth
privateType: PrivateType
privateFieldWithAuthResolver: String
const resolvers = {
PrivateType: {
privateField: () => 'private',
Query: {
publicField: () => 'public',
privateField: () => 'private',
privateType: () => '',
privateFieldWithAuthResolver: authenticated((root, args, context) => {
return 'private';
const executableLocalSchema = makeExecutableSchema({
const apolloServer = await new ApolloServer({
schema: mergeSchemas({
schemas: [executableLocalSchema, executableRemoteSchema],
schemaDirectives: {
// In order for the `@auth` directive to work
context: ({ req }) => accounts.context({ req }),
console.log(`GraphQL server running at ${apolloServer.url}`);
- Slack - accounts-js.slack.com
- Meeting notes
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute:
Thank you to all our backers! 🙏
Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website.
This project is inspired by Meteor's accounts suite of packages. Meteor framework had a plug and play approach for its monolithic framework that saved a ton of work that is traditionally done by any development team, over and over again. Meteor's accounts system had a couple of restrictions:
- First it was published in Meteor's "atmosphere" package repository and was dependent on the Meteor's build tool.
- Second, Meteor is built around DDP and so its accounts system was taking that for granted.
- Third, Meteor's dependency on MongoDB meant that the business logic was dependant on how the data is stored in the database.
Going into this project we asked ourselves (and were asked by others) a bunch of questions that helped us define what this project is all about. This is part of these questions: If you have a question that you think could shape this project please PR this document or open an issue!
We are not here to replace passport.js. Actually, in our vision, passport.js will be one authentication method that you can plug in. Currently, the only problem with passport.js in that regard is that it is designed to work with connect middlewares and adapter code is needed to plug into let's say a WS transport. We currently implemented our own local strategy just to make sense out of basic accounts packages. In the near future it will be separated into its own package.
Well, as explained above, Meteor's accounts system is tied to the data storage and transport in a way that is actually harder to separate than rewriting with those abstractions in mind. We do offer an adapter package that allows Meteor applications an easy and gradual way to move out of Meteor's current accounts system.
Early on we understood that a mono-repo is required in order to have a good developer experience while adding any accounts logic. This also helps us keep the codebase relatively small for using apps as you will not load in client code on server apps and vice versa. Although having a mono repo is great, we feel that someone maintaining the Redis package should not get notifications regarding changes on the Mongo or React packages. If you are adding in a feature that requires changes to the transport or the data store packages, we recommend cloning all of the accounts-js packages into the same directory and just open your IDE on that directory as project root.