welcome to the most basic app to get you started with the amazing SSR webstack (GOTHAM). more in depth examples (session, routing, todo app) found here.
Ensure the following dependencies are installed before setting up and running the app:
- If you are on MacOS and have homebrew installed, simply run:
# macOS users with Homebrew
brew install go git mariadb node
- For linux or windows users kindly follow official instructions:
# Bun
curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash
# Tailwind CSS using Bun
bun install -g tailwindcss@latest
# Templ
go install github.com/a-h/templ/cmd/templ@latest
- clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/morethancoder/new_gotham
- make sure your mariadb server is running.
- create a .env file inside the project directory, and fill database credentials:
cd new_project && mv dotenv .env
- make it yours, edit go.mod module name (optional):
go mod edit -module="your project name"
- tidy project go dependencies:
go mod tidy
- templ:
make templ
- test:
make test
- run:
make run
- enjoy the best SSR web stack