This Starter kit contains my starting point when developing a new Laravel project. Its based on the official Livewire Starter kit, and includes the following features:
- ✅ User Management,
- ✅ Role Management,
- ✅ Permissions Management,
- ✅ Localization options
- ✅ Separate Dashboard for Super Admins
- ✅ Updated for Laravel 12.0 and Livewire 3.0
It uses the TALL stack, which stands for:
- Tailwind CSS
- Alpine.js
- Laravel
- Laravel Livewire using the components.
Among other things, it also includes:
- Flux UI for flexible UI components (free version)
- Laravel Pint for code style fixes
- PestPHP for testing
- missing-livewire-assertions for extra testing of Livewire components by Christoph Rumpel
- LivewireAlerts for SweetAlerts
- Spatie Roles & Permissions for user roles and permissions
- Strict Eloquent Models for safety
- Laravel Debugbar for debugging
- Laravel IDE helper for IDE support
I'm considering adding the following features, depending on my clients' most common requirements:
- Wire Elements / Modals for modals (still deciding - for now I'm using Flux UI for this)
- Laravel Cashier for Stripe integration
laravel new my-project --using=mortenebak/tallstarter
You could also just use this repository as a starting point for your own project by clicking use template. If installing manually, these are the steps to install:
composer install
npm install
npm run build # or npm run dev
Setup your .env
file and run the migrations.
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
php artisan storage:link
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
php artisan app:create-super-admin
// config/app.php
return [
// ...
'timezone' => 'Europe/Copenhagen' // Default: UTC
// ...
composer review
This command will run, in order:
- Laravel/Pint
- PHPStan
- Rector (dry-run)
- PestPHP
Ensuring that your code is up to standard and tested.
Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting a pull request.
I'd like to thank all the people who have contributed to the packages used in this project. Especially Spatie for their great packages, Livewire and Alpinejs for their awesome framework and the Laravel community for their great work. And of course Laravel for their awesome framework, and their Livewire Starter Kit, which this kit is based on.
Take a look at the contributors who have helped make this project better. Many thanks!
If you like this project, please consider donating to support it.
Thanks to: