Just run the program and follow the menu options:
- List tasks - Shows all your tasks with their priorities and status
- Add task - Create a new task with description, priority, and optional due date
- Delete task - Remove a task by ID
- Update task - Modify description, priority, or due date
- Mark task as complete - Set a task's status to completed
- Exit - Save and quit
Tasks are displayed with intuitive symbols:
- ✓ Completed
- → In Progress
- ○ Pending
Priorities are color-coded:
- 🔴 High (Red)
- 🟡 Medium (Yellow)
- 🟢 Low (Green)
- serde/serde_json - For data serialization
- chrono - Date handling
- colored - Terminal colors
Found a bug? Have a feature idea? PRs are welcome! Feel free to:
- Fork the repo
- Create your feature branch
- Commit your changes
- Push to your branch
- Open a PR
MIT License - feel free to use this code however you want!
Built with ❤️