High school
- AS91372 — Construct a plan for an advanced computer program for a specified task
- AS91373 — Construct an advanced computer program for a specified task
- AS91901 — Apply user experience methodologies to develop a design for a digital technologies outcome
- AS91906 — Use complex programming techniques to develop a computer program
- AS91907 — Use complex processes to develop a digital technologies outcome
- CSC 210 — Introduction to Computer Programming
- CSC 220 — Data Structures
- CSC 256 — Machine Structures
- CSC 317 — Introduction to Web Development
- CSC 340 — Programming Methodology
- CSC 413 — Introduction to Software Development
- CSC 415 — Operating Systems
- CSC 615 — UNIX Programming
- CSC 648 — Software Engineering
- ductape, formerly mos-moss — CLI utility for grading Duc’s classes
- qwacker — Utility Discord bot for CSC Duclings server
- Assignment grading scripts, used in conjunction with ductape.
Little tools I made to make my life easier.
- Various bookmarklets to automate things like clipping coupons
- lolesports-idler Browser extension to open and collect loot for LoL Esports livestream
- Transit times display that I put next to my calendar so I know when to run