- Commands
- Clone a repository
- Branch
- Merge conflicts
- Deploying a subfolder
- Change history
- Open source contributions
- Think like a git
- Deploy React app into Github Pages
- Linking a file
- Forms
- Accessibility
- Flexbox
- Grid
- Positioning
- Pseudo-classes
- Pseudo-elements
- Selectors
- Animations
- Responsive Design
Organizing JavaScript Code
JavaScript in the Real World
Asynchronous JavaScript and APIs
Testing JavaScript
Data Structures & Algorithms
- Intro
- Recursive Methods
- Time Complexity
- Space Complexity
- Common Data Structures and Algorithms
- Setting Up A React Environment
- Introduction
- Rendering Techniques
- Keys
- State and Props
- Handling Input
- Lifecycle Methods
- Hooks
- How To Deal With Side Effects
- Typechecking With PropTypes
- Router
- Fetching Data
- Context API
- Testing 1
- Testing 2
- Server Components
- Patterns and architecture
- Intro
- Express & Mongoose
- Authentication
- APIs
- Testing Express
- Basics
- Advanced Functions
- Multidimensional Arrays
- Pointers
- Structures
- Objects and Classes
- Inheritance
- File stream input and output
- Standard Template Library
- Data Structures & Algorithms
- Introduction to OOP
- Basics
- Numerical Data
- Defining Your Own Classes
- Selection and Repetition
- Method Overloading and More on Classes
- Exception Handling and Assertions
- Characters and Strings
- Arrays
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- File Input Output
- Retrieving Data Using SQL the SQL SELECT statement
- Restricting and Sorting Data
- Single-Row Functions
- Group Functions
- Displaying Data from Multiple Tables Using Joins
- Using Subqueries to Solve Queries
- Manipulating Data
- DDL statements
- Introduction
- MongoDB and the Document Model
- Connecting to a MongoDB Database
- CRUD Operations: Insert and Find Documents
- CRUD Operations: Replace and Delete Documents
- CRUD Operations: Modifying Query Results
- CRUD Operations in Node.js
- Aggregation
- Aggregation in Node.js
- Indexes
- Atlas Search
- Data Modeling
- Transactions
- Overview
- Process Description and Control
- Concurrency - Mutual Exclusion
- Concurrency-Deadlock and Starvation
- Uniprocessor Scheduling
- Memory Management
- Virtual Memory
- I/O Management & Disk Scheduling
- File Management
- Introduction
- Software Processes
- Agile Software Development
- Requirements engineering
- System modelling
- Architectural design
- Design and implementation
- Software testing
- Modules 1 - 3: Basic Network Connectivity and Communications
- Modules 4 - 7: Ethernet Concepts
- Modules 8 - 10: Communicating Between Networks
- Modules 11 - 13: IP Addressing
- Modules 14 - 15: Network Application Communications
- Modules 16 - 17: Building and Securing a Small Network
- Introduction
- Parallel Computing Architecture
- Principles of Parallel Algorithm Design
- Pthreads
- OpenMP
- Introduction
- Interrelationships
- Interaction Design Basics
- Cognitive Models
- HCI in the Software Process
- Design Rules
- Evaluation Techniques
- Universal Design (UD)
- User Support
- Emerging Technologies in HCI