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This project was sunsetted in September 2018. More information can be found at the ScienceLab wiki.

django API application for

Build Status

Getting started

To start working with the API server locally, you will need to make sure you have the following prerequisite dependencies installed.

  1. git
  2. python3
  3. pip
  4. virtualenv (optional)

Once you have all dependencies installed, you can start by forking and cloning the project to your local machine.

git clone

Create a virtual environment using either virtualenv or python3's virtual environment invocation. For the purposes of this it is assumed you called this virtual environment venv.

Activate the virtual environment.

  • Unix/Linux/OSX: source venv/bin/activate
  • Windows: venv\Scripts\Activate

(for both, the virtual environment can be deactivated by running the corresponding "deactivate" command)

Install all dependencies into the virtual environment:

pip install -r


cp env.sample .env
python app/ migrate
python app/ createsuperuser

You can now run the server using:

python app/ runserver

As this is a Python/Django project, we also support additional commands that might be of use. Please consult the following table for some common commands you might want to use:

No. Command Description
1. flake8 app --config=./app/tox.ini Run Flake8 linting on the code.
2. python app/ test Run the tests defined for this project.
3. python app/ makemigrations Create migration files for all Django model changes detected.
4. python app/ migrate Apply migrations to the database.
5. python app/ shell Open up a Python interactive shell.
6. python app/ createsuperuser Create a super user for the Django administrative interface.
7. python app/ collectstatic Create a folder containing all the static content that needs to be served for use by the API and the admin interface.

Environment Variables

Variable Value About
GH_TOKEN String Optional, token only required if you are going to be using it extensively.
DATABASE_URL URL Required: URL to your postgres database e.g. postgres://<USER>:<PASSWORD>@<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>/<DBNAME>
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY String Required: anything that is something people can't guess!
DEBUG Boolean Required: True or False
CORS_WHITELIST String Optional, comma separated list of domains (without space), e.g., For allowing all domains, set to *
CORS_REGEX_WHITELIST String Optional, comma separated list of domain regex patterns (without space), e.g. ^(https?://)?(\w+\.)?google\.com$,\.herokuapp\.com$
USE_S3 Boolean default is True. Do we want to use s3 for media uploads?
SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT Boolean Redirect insecure requests to HTTPS. Defaults to False
SECURE_SSL_HOST String The host that the secure redirect should use. If not set, the host is not modified

Also envs AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME, AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN, AWS_LOCATION, FILEBROWSER_DIRECTORY are required if USE_S3 is True. For more info see filebrowser_s3 documentation


The API server uses Heroku for its deployment services, and the current workflow is that every push to master will deploy a new version of this app to the staging server on heroku (assuming travis CI passes before it deploys). The production server is deployed from the staging server using the Heroku Pipelines to promote to production.


django API application for







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