vanilla-js-web-app-example Public
Forked from ErickWendel/vanilla-js-web-app-exampleapp website to store images on localStorage using best practices of accessibility
JavaScript UpdatedOct 29, 2024 -
angular-testing-course Public
Forked from angular-university/angular-testing-courseAngular Testing Course - A complete guide to Angular Unit Testing and E2E Testing
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedJun 6, 2024 -
rinha-frontend Public
Forked from codante-io/rinha-frontendRepositório oficial da Rinha de Front-end
GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 11, 2023 -
texProject Public
This project is created using angular and firebase, and it is an app with crud funcionality, for employees, and their personal tasks, and info about theireselves teams, and other teams inside a com…
TypeScript UpdatedMar 9, 2023 -
IntroductionToAngular Public
An introductional project to Angular, built with instructions provided by Angular docs itself. It was created using the framework main tools and features, like directives, model variables, and deco…
TypeScript UpdatedDec 24, 2022 -
ImHere---react-native-app Public
A simple React native app for management of people attending in an specific event, just to get to know some of react native core components and concepts, built using expo, and react native tools it…
TypeScript UpdatedOct 6, 2022 -
CodeleapNewTest Public
A test to a job opportunity in Codeleap, for an intern position. The objective is to create the interface for a message application, a CRUD, consuming an API provided by codeleap team. The project …
TypeScript UpdatedSep 7, 2022 -
projeto-Dogs Public
Projeto final do curso de React.js, onde é desenvolvido uma aplicação que simula uma rede social, incluindo validação de usuários, recuperação de senha, consumo e API rest, e etc...
JavaScript UpdatedJun 1, 2022 -
CodeLeap.github.io Public
Coding test for a Junior job opportunity at CodeLeap
JavaScript UpdatedApr 14, 2022 -
Projeto final do curso de html e css da origamid
CSS UpdatedFeb 23, 2022 -
projeto-portifolio.github.io Public
Projeto pessoal desenvolvido durante o curso de html e css da Origamid
CSS UpdatedDec 28, 2021