If you need to update libraries you need to install node.js and bower::
~/ npm install -g bower
~/project-dir/$ npm install --save-dev
~/project-dir/$ bower install
After that you need to run gulp script to concat and minify all necessary files::
~/project-dir/$ gulp
Install Ruby 32bit >= 2.0. On Windows ruby installation folder and your project folder should be on same drive. Use symlinks if necessary. Install bundler::
gem install bundler
Go to project root directory and run::
bundle install
To run on-the-fly sass compiler, in terminal window type::
~/project-dir/assets/sass/$ bundle exec compass watch
To run compilation for production once, in terminal window type::
~/project-dir/assets/sass/$ bundle exec compass compile -e production --force
If you want to use css debugging - use chrome. chrome >= 30 loads sourcemaps by default.
Phpstorm can autocomplete compass mixins.
Video: http://www.screencast.com/t/HMOAqsqGW
dev comment: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-5802#comment=27-576409
On windows compass path detected as "C:/Ruby200/bin/compass", but it should look like this: "C:\Ruby200\lib\ruby\gems\2.0.0\gems\compass-0.12.2\bin\compass"