A small PHP API to record retail ISA deposits as per the Cushon Recruitment Scenario.
clone the repo
$ git clone [email protected]:mpcutler/cushon-retail.git
create .env
$ mv .env.example .env
install dependencies
$ composer install
run migrations
$ vendor/bin/phinx migrate -e development
run seeds
$ vendor/bin/phinx seed:run -e development
start app
$ composer start
Returns a list of available funds in JSON format
Accepts a JSON post body and stores the deposit. Example JSON input:
"account_id": "8974ed1c-cbec-4899-abf9-8d496534d71a",
"deposits": [
"fund_id": "a10b5e72-3c6c-49b6-bc5d-a8525f20ae0a",
"amount": "25000"