Lightning 10 gross LEDs begins in the one of a kind video art experience for visitors to The Source.
Giant expansive space high above the patrons is sparsely populated for creative expression. bring a local flavor of of collaborative expression to a focal point below.
Reacting to your motion as you enter the space; Sensors, video, images, and the live data from the internet are all merged to creating a living space above The Source, an urban marketplace in the Rino Arts District.
applications for rendering content to Open Pixel Control network stream.
depends on FadeCandy C Libs for opc client and effects framework. we've added some custom effect mixing and image loading for realtime brightness control.
[optionally] depends on BlackLib for live analog brightness control sensors.
opc content generation for testing troubleshoot and user contributions in mostly Python from opc/fadecandy examples
Toolkit for developing image manipulation code, layouts, and renderings for concept art in Processing
processing simulation
tool kit for running and configuring beaglebone black
- 2x the latest BBB or upgrade any version to debian
- tlc spi style led drivers (tlc5947,, tlc5940 tlc59711 )
- analog input on AIN1
Pulling the latest and Building
mkdir git; cd git
git clone
cd Active/bin/
chmod +x *.sh
. ./
my openpixelcontrol fork with SPI / TLC support
git clone
cd openpixelcontrol
change hostname
sudo emacs /etc/hostname
sudo emacs /etc/hosts
Setup root crontab for script autorun
sudo crontab -e
Add in the following
00 11,23 * * * /home/debian/git/Active/bin/ >> /var/log/active-push-sparkfun.log 2>&1
# starts spi overlay gpio pins
# creates /dev/spidev* files
@reboot /usr/bin/python -c "from Adafruit_BBIO.SPI import SPI; SPI(0,0)" >> /var/log/active-gpio.log 2>&1
#pre-process videos
#(with some large videos bbb cannot transcode in realtime)
*/1 * * * * /home/debian/git/Active/bin/ >> /var/log/active-process-videos.log 2>&1
# on boot start whatever this bone id configured for
@reboot /home/debian/git/Active/bin/ >> /var/log/active-monitor.log 2>&1
Edit /etc/fstab to make for less disk
UUID=8037fd09-ea0d-4c28-a348-1fbdf9fb0b92 / ext3
relatime,noatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime 0 0
tmpfs /var/run tmpfs defaults,noatime 0 0
tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults,noatime 0 0
tmpfs /var/lock tmpfs defaults,noatime 0 0
tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime 0 0
tmpfs /var/lib/dhcp3 tmpfs defaults,noatime 0 0
Double check /boot/uboot/ for IP addresses and the configurations you might want.