Walnut application template to easily make new Walnut apps
Filament is a real-time physically based rendering engine for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, macOS, and WebGL2
mppcasc / Visual-Inertial-Synchronization-Hardware
Forked from TurtleZhong/Visual-Inertial-Synchronization-HardwareThis project aims to hardware-synchronize camera and IMU so that both use the same (millisecond precise) time base.
ImageMagick is a powerful, open-source software suite for creating, editing, converting, and manipulating images in over 200 formats. Ideal for web developers, graphic designers, and researchers, i…
Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
计算机视觉实践和探索/Practice and explorations in computer vision.
AlexeyAB / darknet
Forked from pjreddie/darknetYOLOv4 / Scaled-YOLOv4 / YOLO - Neural Networks for Object Detection (Windows and Linux version of Darknet )
CC for Caffe,基于Caffe改造的深度学习框架,为Caffe添加基于C++的网络构建、友好的Train和Inference框架
An open source library for face detection in images. The face detection speed can reach 1000FPS.
Real-World Masked Face Dataset,口罩人脸数据集
A pytorch implementation of Paper "Improved Training of Wasserstein GANs"
Unofficial implementation of Switching from Adam to SGD optimization in PyTorch.
Detect eye blinks based on eye aspect ratio (EAR) introduced by Soukupová and Čech in their 2016 paper, Real-Time Eye Blink Detection Using Facial Landmarks.
A very simple demo code for eye blink detection with dlib libray with python
An Invitation to 3D Vision: A Tutorial for Everyone
Source codes of Learning OpenCV 3 Computer Vision with Python - Second Edition
AI Roadmap:机器学习(Machine Learning)、深度学习(Deep Learning)、对抗神经网络(GAN),图神经网络(GNN),NLP,大数据相关的发展路书(roadmap), 并附海量源码(python,pytorch)带大家消化基本知识点,突破面试,完成从新手到合格工程师的跨越,其中深度学习相关论文附有tensorflow caffe官方源码,应用部分含推荐算法…
A faster pytorch implementation of faster r-cnn
A PyTorch Implementation of FaceBoxes
A PyTorch implementation of center loss on MNIST
python 数据结构 算法 LeetCode 牛客 面试 编程之美 动态规划 字典树 快速排序 树 字符串 数组 链表 全排列 堆排序 位运算 大数相加