Install using composer:
composer require mpuig9406/ovh-object-storage-laravel "dev-master"
add to config/app.php
Add the following to the config/filesystem.php
'ovh' => [
'driver' => 'ovh',
'authUrl' => env('OS_AUTH_URL', ''),
'projectId' => env('OS_PROJECT_ID'),
'region' => env('OS_REGION_NAME'),
'userDomain' => env('OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME', 'Default'),
'username' => env('OS_USERNAME'),
'password' => env('OS_PASSWORD'),
'containerName' => env('OS_CONTAINER_NAME'),
// Since v1.2
// Optional variable and only if you are using temporary signed urls.
// You can also set a new key using the command 'php artisan ovh:set-temp-url-key'.
//'tempUrlKey' => env('OS_TEMP_URL_KEY'),
// Since v2.1
// Optional variable and only if you have setup a custom endpoint.
//'endpoint' => env('OS_CUSTOM_ENDPOINT'),
// Optional variables for handling large objects.
// Defaults below are 300MB threshold & 100MB segments.
'swiftLargeObjectThreshold' => env('OS_LARGE_OBJECT_THRESHOLD', 300 * 1024 * 1024),
'swiftSegmentSize' => env('OS_SEGMENT_SIZE', 100 * 1024 * 1024),
'swiftSegmentContainer' => env('OS_SEGMENT_CONTAINER', null),
// Optional variable and only if you would like to DELETE all uploaded object by DEFAULT.
// This allows you to set an 'expiration' time for every new uploaded object to
// your container. This will not affect objects already in your container.
// If you're not willing to DELETE uploaded objects by DEFAULT, leave it empty.
// Really, if you don't know what you're doing, you should leave this empty as well.
'deleteAfter' => env('OS_DEFAULT_DELETE_AFTER', null),
// Optional variable to cache your storage objects in memory
// You must require league/flysystem-cached-adapter to enable caching
'cache' => true, // Defaults to false
'container_url' => ''
This package provides an integration with OVH object container.
Saves the form file: $filename not mandatory
Storage::disk('ovh')->filePut($request->file('file'), $filename = null);
Get the file url from config container public URL (for speed optimization, no call is made to OS api):
Get the file url from container (call to OS api, slower than fileGetUrl() ):
Return if a file exists (true or false)