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GiveALittle E-commerce Project

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GiveALittle is an e-commerce web application developed using ReactJS, HTML, and CSS. It allows users to register, log in, purchase and sell second-hand products online. The project was developed over a period of 3 months and involved the following contributors:

  1. Faith Mogkalaka
  2. Olwethu Goniwe
  3. Vance Muchongo
  4. Thibello Khaile
  5. Aubrey Nalane


Sprint 1

  • LoginPage
  • SignUpPage
  • HomePage
  • CartPage

Sprint 2

  • Add Product
  • Search
  • Animation on Product Hover
  • Individual Product Pop-up on-Click
  • Payment Method Via Stripe Integrated
  • Unit Tests Introduced for Sign In, Add Product, and Cart Pages
  • All Contributors Showing on the List
  • AddProducts Page
  • LogoutButton

Sprint 3

  • Wish List
  • Forgot Password (not working)
  • Checkout support integrated with paygate
  • Cart notification color updated to green

Sprint 4.0 Latest

  • Footer on all pages now available
  • Carousel for product updates on homepage now available
  • Sell Point for registered users now available
  • Additional personalized message on empty cart or wishlist pages
  • UX improvements


The duration of the project was 3 months.