- techanvconsulting/techanvconsulting.github.io - website of techanv consulting services
- techanvconsulting/ai.techanv.com - website for web developemnt part of techanv consulting.
- meetansoftworld/meetansoftworld.github.io - Website of Meetan Soft World
- chhattisgarhvidya/chhattisgarhvidya -
- mranv/macos-security-logger - A small security logger based on rust for macos!
- mranv/opensearch-podman-deploy -
- mranv/rs-nats -
- mranv/vector-demo-opensearch -
- mranv/macos-log-collector -
- mranv/ocsf-opensearch -
- Keyitdev/dotfiles - My personal build of dotfiles using i3.
- dikiaap/dotfiles - Get ready for dotfiles. Contains i3, i3blocks, rofi, dunst, picom, vim, tmux, and zsh.
- sshlog/agent - SSH Session Monitoring Daemon
- codyps/rust-systemd - Rust interface to systemd c apis
- ocsf/common-process-id - OCSF Common Process Identifier (CPID)
- Understanding DNS - The Internet's Phone Book
- Mastering Kubernetes Storage - PersistentVolumes, PersistentVolumeClaims, and StorageClasses
- Understanding Docker Storage - Volumes, Bind Mounts, and Persistent Data
- Mastering Kubernetes - Setting Up a Multi-Node Cluster with Kubeadm 1.29
- Mastering Kubernetes Network Policies - A Hands-On Guide
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnubhavGain
- Website: https://mranv.pages.dev
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anubhavgain
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anubhavgain