- Krakow, Poland
🗜️ Codebase-digest is your AI-friendly codebase packer and analyzer. Features 60+ coding prompts and generates structured overviews with metrics. Ideal for feeding projects to LLMs like GPT-4, Clau…
Automate the creation of Twitter posts.
Asynchronous interface for peewee ORM powered by asyncio
Convert CSV/XML files into python object or django model
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Documentation on effectively using Django for building web applications.
Dynamic conditions in relations between objects
mrbox / django_polymorphic
Forked from vdboor/django_polymorphicAdded polymorphic admin to django-polymorphic
Django application for managing account plans and quotas
Contributed a polymorphic admin to django-polymorphic and more (merged upstream now)
mrbox / hackkrk-guess
Forked from zendeskarchive/hackkrk-guessSample photo guess backend for HackKRK #6 event.
Sample photo guess backend for HackKRK #6 event.
mrbox / django-dajax
Forked from jorgebastida/django-dajaxEasy to use library to create asynchronous presentation logic with django and dajaxice
mrbox / django-urls-sugar
Forked from armisael/django-urls-sugarAn easy way to define complex urls in django
mrbox / django-imaging
Forked from pielgrzym/django-imagingAjax driven gallery field for django (mostly admin)
mrbox / django-positions
Forked from jpwatts/django-positionsA Django field for custom model ordering.
mrbox / django-mailer-2
Forked from SmileyChris/django-mailer-2mail queuing and management for the Django web framework
Ajax driven gallery field for django (mostly admin)
Class-based fixtures for Django.
An easy way to define complex urls in django
mrbox / Happy.js
Forked from HenrikJoreteg/Happy.js$('form').isHappy() – Lightweight, extensible form validation plugin for jQuery/Zepto.js
[deprecated] A friendly chainable ElasticSearch interface for python
koalixcrm is an Open Source Python CRM and ERP based on django