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feat: using named arguments to handle better arg parsing in API test …
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johnrwatson committed Sep 6, 2024
1 parent d176857 commit 9c15431
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Showing 9 changed files with 201 additions and 66 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/deploy-stack.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,3 +100,17 @@ jobs:
environment: ${{ inputs.environment }}
secrets: inherit

# We want to ensure that in-progress cron runs against tools-prod
# are canceled when we do a deploy so they don't fail erroneously
group: e2e-${{ inputs.environment }}
cancel-in-progress: true
- upgrade-web
- upgrade-and-migrate-sdf
uses: ./.github/workflows/run-api-test.yml
environment: ${{ inputs.environment }}
secrets: inherit
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion .github/workflows/run-api-test.yml
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Expand Up @@ -61,7 +61,11 @@ jobs:
run: |
cd bin/si-api-test
echo ${{ github.ref }}
deno task run ${{ vars.API_TEST_WORKSPACE_ID }} ${{ secrets.API_TEST_EMAIL }} ${{ secrets.API_TEST_PASSWORD }} ${{ matrix.tests }}
deno task run \
--workspaceId ${{ vars.API_TEST_WORKSPACE_ID }} \
--userId ${{ secrets.API_TEST_EMAIL }} \
--password ${{ secrets.API_TEST_PASSWORD }} \
--tests ${{ matrix.tests }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
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23 changes: 21 additions & 2 deletions bin/si-api-test/
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Expand Up @@ -5,12 +5,31 @@
Run all tests (with auth api running locally):

SDF_API_URL="http://localhost:8080" AUTH_API_URL="http://localhost:9001" deno task run $WORKSPACE_ID $EMAIL $PASSWORD
export SDF_API_URL="http://localhost:8080"
export AUTH_API_URL="http://localhost:9001"

deno task run --workspace-id $WORKSPACE_ID \
--userId $EMAIL \
--password $PASSWORD \
--profile '{"Duration": "5", "Requests": 5}'
--tests create_and_use_variant,get_head_changeset

Usage: deno run main.ts [options]

--workspaceId, -w Workspace ID (required)
--userId, -u User ID (required)
--password, -p User password (optional)
--tests, -t Test names to run (comma-separated, optional)
--profile, -l Test profile in JSON format (optional)
--help Show this help message


Alternately, you can skip the password argument, pass in a userId in place of the email and set a jwt private key,
such as [dev.jwt_signing_private_key.pem](../../config/keys/dev.jwt_signing_private_key.pem) in our config/keys folder,
to the JWT_PRIVATE_KEY env variable. This is good for local development, but not how we'll do it in GitHub actions.

## Adding new tests

Add a new file into ./tests/<something>.ts and then invoke it using the --tests param in the binary execution
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions bin/si-api-test/binary_execution_lib.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
import { parse } from "[email protected]/flags/mod.ts";

export function parseArgs(args: string[]) {
// Parse arguments using std/flags
const parsedArgs = parse(args, {
string: ["workspaceId", "userId", "password", "profile", "tests"],
alias: { w: "workspaceId", u: "userId", p: "password", t: "tests", l: "profile" },
default: { profile: undefined, tests: "" },
boolean: ["help"],

// Display help information if required arguments are missing or help flag is set
if ( || !parsedArgs.workspaceId || !parsedArgs.userId) {
Usage: deno run main.ts [options]
--workspaceId, -w Workspace ID (required)
--userId, -u User ID (required)
--password, -p User password (optional)
--tests, -t Test names to run (comma-separated, optional)
--profile, -l Test profile in JSON format (optional)
--help Show this help message

// Extract parsed arguments
const workspaceId = parsedArgs.workspaceId;
const userId = parsedArgs.userId;
const password = parsedArgs.password || undefined;

// Handle optional tests argument
const testsToRun = parsedArgs.tests ? parsedArgs.tests.split(",").map(test => test.trim()).filter(test => test) : [];

// Parse profile JSON if provided, otherwise the profile is one shot [aka single execution]
let testProfile = "one-shot";
if (parsedArgs.profile) {
try {
testProfile = JSON.parse(parsedArgs.profile);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Failed to parse profile JSON: ${error.message}`);

return { workspaceId, userId, password, testsToRun, testProfile };

export function checkEnvironmentVariables(env: Record<string, string | undefined>) {
const requiredVars = ["SDF_API_URL", "AUTH_API_URL"];
const missingVars = requiredVars.filter(varName => !env[varName] || env[varName]?.length === 0);

if (missingVars.length > 0) {
throw new Error(`Missing environment variables: ${missingVars.join(", ")}`);
29 changes: 0 additions & 29 deletions bin/si-api-test/binary_exeuction_lib.ts

This file was deleted.

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions bin/si-api-test/deno.lock

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

129 changes: 101 additions & 28 deletions bin/si-api-test/main.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
import assert from "node:assert";
import { SdfApiClient } from "./sdf_api_client.ts";
import { createDefaultTestReportEntry, printTestReport, TestReportEntry } from "./test_execution_lib.ts";
import { checkEnvironmentVariables, parseArgs } from "./binary_exeuction_lib.ts";
import { checkEnvironmentVariables, parseArgs } from "./binary_execution_lib.ts";

if (import.meta.main) {

// All environment variable and runtime parsing happens in this block
const { workspaceId, userId, password, testsToRun } = parseArgs(Deno.args);
// Parse args and check environment variables
const { workspaceId, userId, password, testsToRun, testProfile } = parseArgs(Deno.args);

// Init the SDF Module
Expand All @@ -23,41 +21,116 @@ if (import.meta.main) {

// If no tests are specified, run all tests by default
const tests = testsToRun.length > 0 ? testsToRun : Object.keys(testFiles);

const testReport: TestReportEntry[] = [];
let completedTests = 0;
let triggeredTests = 0;
let testExecutionSequence = 1;
const totalTests = (testProfile?.Requests ?? 1) * tests.length;
const startTime =;
const totalDurationMs = Number(testProfile?.Duration) * 1000;

for (const testName of tests) {
const testPath = testFiles[testName];
// Function to display the progress bars
function displayProgressBars(triggered: number, completed: number, total: number) {
const barLength = 15; // Length of each progress bar

// Calculate progress for triggered tests
const triggeredProgress = Math.min(triggered / total, 1);
const triggeredBars = Math.round(triggeredProgress * barLength);
const triggeredProgressBar = `[${"=".repeat(triggeredBars)}${" ".repeat(barLength - triggeredBars)}]`;
const triggeredPercent = (triggeredProgress * 100).toFixed(2);

// Calculate progress for completed tests
const completedProgress = Math.min(completed / total, 1);
const completedBars = Math.round(completedProgress * barLength);
const completedProgressBar = `[${"=".repeat(completedBars)}${" ".repeat(barLength - completedBars)}]`;
const completedPercent = (completedProgress * 100).toFixed(2);

// Calculate elapsed and remaining time
const elapsed = - startTime;
const remaining = Math.max(totalDurationMs - elapsed, 0);
const remainingSeconds = Math.ceil(remaining / 1000);

// Log progress bars with total and remaining time
console.log(`Triggered: ${triggeredProgressBar} ${triggeredPercent}% (${triggered}/${total}) | Completed: ${completedProgressBar} ${completedPercent}% (${completed}/${total}) | Remaining Time: ${remainingSeconds}s`);

// Define the test execution function
const executeTest = async (testName: string, sdfApiClient: SdfApiClient, sequence: number, showProgressBar: boolean) => {
const testEntry = createDefaultTestReportEntry(testName);
const testPath = testFiles[testName];

try {
if (testPath) {
try {
const { default: testFunc } = await import(testPath);
let testStart = new Date();
await testFunc(sdfApiClient);
testEntry.test_result = "success";
testEntry.finish_time = new Date().toISOString();
testEntry.test_duration = `${new Date().getTime() - testStart.getTime()}ms`;
} catch (importError) {
testEntry.message = `Failed to load test file "${testPath}": ${importError.message}`;
} else {
testEntry.message = `test "${testName}" not found.`;
// Display progress bar immediately when the test is triggered (only if showProgressBar is true)
if (showProgressBar) {
displayProgressBars(triggeredTests, completedTests, totalTests);

if (!testPath) {
testEntry.message = `Test "${testName}" not found.`;
if (showProgressBar) {
displayProgressBars(triggeredTests, completedTests, totalTests);

try {
const { default: testFunc } = await import(testPath);
const testStart = new Date();
await testFunc(sdfApiClient);
testEntry.test_result = "success";
testEntry.finish_time = new Date().toISOString();
testEntry.test_duration = `${new Date().getTime() - testStart.getTime()}ms`;
} catch (error) {
testEntry.message = error.message;
testEntry.message = `Error in test "${testName}": ${error.message}`;
testEntry.test_result = "failure";
} finally {
testEntry.finish_time = new Date().toISOString();
testEntry.test_duration = `${new Date().getTime() - new Date(testEntry.start_time).getTime()}ms`;
testEntry.test_execution_sequence = sequence;

// Update the completed tests count and display progress bars (only if showProgressBar is true)
if (showProgressBar) {
displayProgressBars(triggeredTests, completedTests, totalTests);

if (testProfile?.Duration && testProfile?.Requests) {
const interval = Math.floor(Number(testProfile.Duration) * 1000 / testProfile.Requests);
let elapsed = 0;

// Create a list of promises for all test executions
const testPromises: Promise<void>[] = [];

// Generate and print the report
// Execute tests based on the profile
const intervalId = setInterval(async () => {
if (elapsed >= Number(testProfile.Duration) * 1000) {
// Wait for all test executions to complete
await Promise.all(testPromises);
console.log("~~ FINAL REPORT GENERATED ~~");

// Assert that all tests passed
assert(testReport.every(entry => entry.test_result === "success"), "Not all tests passed. Please check the logs for details.");
for (const testName of tests) {
// Execute tests asynchronously and increment sequence, show progress bar
const testPromise = executeTest(testName, sdfApiClient, testExecutionSequence++, true);

console.log("~~ ALL TESTS PASSED ~~");
elapsed += interval;
}, interval);
} else {
// Fallback to one-shot execution if no profile is set, do not show progress bar
const oneShotPromises: Promise<void>[] = => executeTest(testName, sdfApiClient, testExecutionSequence++, false));
await Promise.all(oneShotPromises);
console.log("~~ FINAL REPORT GENERATED ~~");
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion bin/si-api-test/sdf_api_client.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ export class SdfApiClient {
}) {
const url = `${this.baseUrl}${path}`;
const method = options?.method || "GET";
console.log(`calling ${method} ${url}`);

const headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Expand Down
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions bin/si-api-test/test_helpers.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,20 +3,17 @@ import assert from "node:assert";

export async function sleep(seconds: number) {
const natural_seconds = Math.max(0, Math.floor(seconds));
console.log(`Sleeping for ${natural_seconds} seconds`);
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, natural_seconds * 1000));

// Run fn n times, with increasing intervals between tries
export async function retryWithBackoff(fn: () => Promise<void>, retries = 6, backoffFactor = 3, initialDelay = 2) {
export async function retryWithBackoff(fn: () => Promise<void>, retries = 6, backoffFactor = 2, initialDelay = 2) {
let latest_err;
let try_count = 0;
let delay = initialDelay;

console.log("Running retry_with_backoff block");
do {
console.log(`try number ${try_count}`);
latest_err = undefined;

try {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,7 +53,6 @@ export async function runWithTemporaryChangeset(sdf: SdfApiClient, fn: (sdf: Sdf
try {
await fn(sdf, changeSetId);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Function failed, deleting changeset");
err = e;

Expand Down

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