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Tags: mriscoc/Ender3V2S1



Toggle 20250106's commit message
Increase compatibility with some extruder/probe combinations

Use the new PROBE_OFFSET_ limits


Toggle 20240122's commit message
Fix bugs and implement user feedback


Toggle 20231202's commit message
What's new in ANNIVERSARY 2023 (20231202) AML2.0 Edition

* Arbitrary rectangular NxM mesh leveling density (AML2.0)
* Mesh size and mesh density are also saved in UBL slots (AML2.0)
* Adds Custom g-code C29 M for maximize and C29 C for center mesh area (AML2.0)
* Larger font for numeric values in bed tramming wizard
* Run-out icon blink is disabled if run-out sensor is disabled
* Mesh viewer is now able to show a mesh with NAN points
* Disables UBL_SAVE_ACTIVE_ON_M500 and ZOFFSET_SAVE_SETTINGS for AML2.0 compatibility
* Define PREHEAT_TIME_HOTEND_MS 7500 for compatibility with high temperature thermistors

**New in source code:**
* ProUI extension support for Monochrome LCD displays (CR10 Type, TFT MarlinUI, etc)
* ProUI extension support for MarlinUI touch screens
* C104 support can be removed for better special temperature sensor compatibility
* Allows to use bed tramming wizard without a leveling system
* Bed tramming wizard can be disabled for reduce program memory size
* Allows compile without a bed probe or leveling system
* Fix sound on encoder tick when SPEAKER is enabled
* Fix sound alarm on thermal runaway when SPEAKER is enabled
* Increased board support (Octopus Pro)
* Moved some text strings to language files for better translation
* New menu system with better memory allocation
* Code optimization to reduce program memory size

**From Marlin Bugfix**
* Automatic minimum planner junction speed (#26198)
* Nonlinear Extrusion Control (M592) (#26127)
* More precision in G30 output (#26255)
* Allow arbitrary BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE
* Fixes for G2/G3 arcs (#26170)
* Reversible file alpha sorting (#26130)
* And many other Bug fixes and improvements from the Marlin bugfix branch

Demo firmwares are restricted to a print time of one hour.


Toggle 20230904's commit message
What's new in SEPTEMBER 2023 (20230904) Maintenance Edition

* Run-out sensor disabled by default
* Selectable square/circle grid mesh viewer (C29 V#)
* Status messages timeout increased to 90 seconds
* Changed thumbnail size to 190x190 in Cura post processing script
* Disables stepper drivers after aborting the print job
* Code optimization


Toggle 20230805's commit message
What's new in Universal AUGUST 2023 Edition (20230805)

- LCD brightness dims after 5 minute timeout (not available in all versions)
- Slow retract item in Filament management menu
- Better bed tramming wizard
- Automatic homing axes before M48 (Probe test) if necessary
- Support to M86-M87 Hotend Idle Timeout
- Fixed C104 bug
- Fixed bug in UBL when an invalid point is found
- Improved UBL smart-fill
- M300 E1/0 enables or disables sounds
- C851 F edit probe Z fix compensation
- Fixed BLTouch deploy bug in HS mode
- Several minor bug fixes and Misc. optimizations
- New OFFICIAL/CUSTOM BUILD label in the info page
- and many more fixes from latest Marlin's bugfix 2.1.x

In Source:
- Added support to One cLick print MarlinFirmware/Marlin#25781
- Preliminary support for E3 Free-runs board CR4NTxxC10 and other boards
- Fixed Time Motion experimental support
- Improved support for Marlin Auto Build firmware xfer
- Maple support was deprecated


Toggle 20230522's commit message
What's new in Universal MAY 2023 Edition (20230522)

- Runout icon indicator over the Extruder flow dashboard icon.
- Dashboard Speed shows the current axes speed in mm/s intermittently with the speed percentage
- Enhanced preview with arbitrary thumbnail size
- Preview QR code removed for improve support with some display units
- Improved 3D/BL/CRTouch auto leveling
- Enable BLTouch HS mode for bed tramming wizard
- Set Multiple probing to 0 as default
- Better limits for mesh insets editing
- New C35 custom g-code for launch the bed tramming wizard.
- Added toolbar option for park head.
- Force axes homing to allow parking at pause
- Raise Z when printing is aborted
- Fix a possible bug with filename drawing in printing page
- Fix Crash after removing SD card #894
- Several minor bug fixes and Misc. optimizations
- and many more fixes from latest Marlin's bugfix 2.1.x

In source:
- TJC support to enable preview and grid mesh viewer
- Added Creality CV laser module support with automatic file type detection
- Added Creality Cloud Support
- Menu items value faster/smooth change rate
- More #define flags to disable features to help to reduce code size
- Many improvements from the latest Marlin's bugfix sources


Toggle 20230312's commit message
What's new in Boreal Spring 20230312 version

- Fix #742
- Increased the number of sorted files to 50
- Preview works in DWIN and DACAI screens (selected automatically, S1 F4 preview supports only DACAI screens in the precompiled firmware)
- Fix C125 issue: #667
- Power outage recovery can be enabled/disabled in tune menu
- Improved power outage recovery
- Added Extrude 100 mm to Move menu for aid with extruder calibration
- Optimize print percent and remain time to use Marlin's processing
- Removed forcing automatic cool down and motor disable
- Axes are not immediately disabled after abort print, now using timeout.
- Allows enable/disable file list sorting if MEDIASORT_MENU_ITEM is defined
- Use LCD_BED_TRAMMING settings for bed tramming
- Some fixes in source code for special configurations
- Several minor fixes
- Marlin'sFix UBL 'G29 J' mesh tilt (#25453)
- Marlin's Enhanced IS and LA
- Marlin's Fix FastPWM calculations (#25343)
- Marlin's AVOID_OBSTACLES for UBL (#25256)
- and many more fixes from latest Marlin's bugfix 2.1.x


Toggle 20221222's commit message
## What's new in NEW YEAR 2023 release ##

- Support for Input Shaping in the Special Configuration repository
- Add MPC as default for precompiled version if program memory space allows it
- TMC Trinamic driver current editor menu when it is supported (not for standalone)
- Menu item for enable/disable Adaptive Step Smoothing when it is supported
- Reset Print stats confirmation
- Show message when is not possible to park head on pause
- Preheat hotend menu for Prepare/Filament management menu
- Mesh Leveling progress viewer
- Added PETG Preheat in precompiled versions (Current source supports 10 material preheats)
- And many improvements and fixes

From Marlin 2.1.2
- More SCURVE cycles on unoptimized cortex-m0 (#24955)
- Fix G-code resend race condition
- G30 move to logical XY (#24953)
- and many more fixes from latest bugfix 2.1.x


Toggle 20221002's commit message
Professional Firmware - Austral Spring version 20221002

- Shortcut option for turning off the backlight in toolbar
- Filament run-out sensor enable/disable in tune menu
- Enhanced Host printing support
- Better C10 support
- Axis value in dash board shows actual position of the axes, including Z leveling
- Raise Z to Probe Clearance position before of a Probing Z Reference
- New ProUI Info box
- Fix #344
- Fix mesh slot load message bug
- Enable support for Creality Slicer G-code file with embedded thumbnail for Ender3V2 Neo
- Implements a user option for center the menu title by defining TITLE_CENTERED in configuration files
- Force drawing of Z-axis value on screen redrawing
- Automatically reboot to apply default settings on first boot after flash.
- Code optimization

From last Marlin bugfix 2.1.x
- Emergency Parse M524 (#24761)
- Fix inverse_accel redefine
- Minor planner optimization (#24737)
- UBL G28 leveling fix (#24622)
- Fix / refactor shared PID (#24673)
- Report M22 / M23 success / fail (#24706)
- Constrain UBL within mesh bounds (#24631)
- Other general fixes


Toggle 20220816's commit message
20220816 What's new in MID-YEAR Maintenance release I

- Advanced Settings menu reorganization
- Custom G-code C10 to mark a G-code file as a configuration file to avoid confirm to print and print done dialogs.
- Custom G-code C851 Mn ; Set Multiple Probing
- Fix bug: forbid multiple probing = 1
- Custom G-code C851 can be used to change the manual Z-offset for versions without probe
- De-bounce rotary encoder when a parameter is edited
- Allows to set the Z height after Z home for Manual Mesh version.
- Media Update (auto-mount) Enable/Disable menu item
- Support up to 6 Preheat settings (needs own compile)
- Support for Model predictive temperature control "MPC" (needs own compile)
- Refactoring Print File menu for performance and stability
- Enhanced Active mesh leveling indicator
- Fix drawing bug in select file menu: #241
- Fix: Z at right edge out of mesh border is being overcompensated if UBL is active

From Last Marlin bugfix 2.1.x
- Optimize Planner calculations
- Arc/Planner optimization follow-up
- Update MPCTEMP G-Code M306 T
- Fix, improve Linear Advance with stand-alone stepper driver support