Code Supplemental to the manuscript: Bayesian Methods for Extended Batch Marking (2024)
R UpdatedJun 21, 2024 -
COVID-MultiSiteModel2022 Public
R codes for model fitting using the multi-site disease analytics model from Parker, M.R.P., Cao, J., Cowen, L.L.E, Elliott, L.T., Ma, J. (2022). Multi-site disease analytics with applications to es…
R UpdatedJun 24, 2022 -
rdict Public
R package implementing a Dictionary data structure.
COVID-DiseaseModel2021 Public
R codes for model fitting using the disease analytics model from Parker, M.R.P., Li, Y., Elliott, L.T., Ma, J., Cowen, L.L.E (2021). Under-reporting of COVID-19 in the Northern Health Authority reg…
R UpdatedNov 15, 2021 -
redNMix Public
Package for fitting and analyzing reduced/grouped N Mixture models.
R UpdatedOct 15, 2020 -
optimizeAPA Public
Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic (APA) optimization algorithms implemented in R.
R UpdatedJun 26, 2020 -
MGLMRiem Public
Implementing the algorithms of Kim et al. 2014 for regressing multiple symmetric positive definite matrices against real valued covariates.
mvregress Public
Simple package wrapping some classic multivariate regression functions.
R GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 16, 2019 -
extractPGRS Public
Set of scripts for extracting polygenic risk scores data from http://geneatlas.roslin.ed.ac.uk/ genomics files.
R UpdatedDec 3, 2019 -
genDataMGLMRiem Public
Generate data structures for use in testing theories regarding MGLMRiem
R Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 31, 2019 -
doWhile Public
Package implementing a do while loop in R.
LimitedMemoryList Public
R package for managing lists with limited storage (maximum number of elements to be stored).
WestgridScriptExamples Public
This is a repository for R Markdown documents which provide example scripts for use with Compute Canada's Westgrid (use at own risk, I am not affiliated with Compute Canada)
HTML UpdatedNov 20, 2018 -
Example of a minimal bookdown project with multiple chapters files, figure and table references. Used yihui's minimal_bookdown project as a starting point.
UpdatedJan 26, 2018 -
gwasqc Public
Forked from namheegordonkim/gwasqcGWAS QC Script Implementation Based On V.N. Guidelines
Shell UpdatedDec 18, 2017