Salesforce ANT tool to generate package.xml file. Follow the steps to build the tool.
- Install JDK 8 (8 or later is required). Download from here
- Install ANT (download and unzip somewhere). Download from here
- On command prompt run javac -version and java -version. Both should show java 8, if not try removing old version.
- Add ANT_HOME variable to the environment with pointing to where you installed the ANT
- Add ANT_HOME/bin to the PATH and verify by running 'ant' on command prompt.
- Download ant-salesforce.jar from your salesforce sandbox and copy it to ANT_HOME/lib.
- Clone this repo somewhere, update build.xml and put the ANT home folder for ant.home.dir property.
- On command prompt, while in the folder where you cloned this repo, issue command ant.
- You should see packagegenerator.jar generated and copied to ANT_HOME/lib.
- Enjoy.