This repository contains the source code for the software that is used to build the image for the embedded computer inside the Whale Tags to be deployed onto the sperm whales in the ocean during data collection for Project CETI.
This repository is specifically focusing on a rewrite of the previous code for a new hardware stack up. The alternate repository is for a Raspberry Pi Zero W target, while this targets the STM32U575ZI-Q Nucleo Development board.
Development was done using the STM32CubeIDE and the STM32CubeMX. There are a multitude of other STM development tools that are available for use as well, but these are the only two currently in use for this project.
Follow the instructions on the STM site to install both the development tools to a location of your choosing. Clone this repository directly to location of your choosing:
git clone
Open the STM32CubeIDE and navigate to the project import popup by going to File->Open Projects From Filesystem. The popup will give you the ability to select an import source. Click on "Directory..." and navigate to where the repository was cloned. Once located, click on "Open" and then "Finish" to complete the import.
There are no additional respositories or libraries needed for development at this stage.
When wanting to build the project, simply click the hammer icon in the top left hand side of the top bar. Alternatively, go to Project->Build All to build the project.
To access and run the debugger, click the bug icon closer to the middle portion of the top bar. Alternatively, go to Run->Debug.
To deploy and run the code, click the play button icon next to the debug icon on the top bar. Alternatively, go to Run->Run.