Tags: msantos/procket
0.9.9 Bump version to release a new hex.pm package: the 0.9.8 hex package mistakenly included compiled artifacts causing builds to fail: https://preview.hex.pm/preview/procket/0.9.8/show/c_src/libancillary.a Reported in msantos/gen_icmp#21 Thanks @walkr !
Return number of bytes for partial writes The write functions (sendto/4, sendmsg/5, write/2, writev/2) have had a long standing bug where failure to write the complete buffer was silently ignored. Return a tuple containing the number of bytes written if the complete buffer could not be sent. Writes can be continued using something like: write_exact(FD, Buf) -> case procket:write(FD, Buf) of ok -> ok; {ok, N} - > {_:N/bytes, Rest/binary} = Buf, write_exact(FD, Rest); Error -> Error end. Successful writes of the entire buffer still return 'ok'.