In this project Gym Cartpole-v0 challenge from OpenAI is solved. The task here is to prevent the pendulum from falling over. "CartPole-v0 defines "solving" as getting average reward of 195.0 over 100 consecutive trials".
There are two types of implementations in this project. Please note that these implementations are completely independent and there is no relation between them. The implementations are:
- Q-learning implementation
- Deep Neural Network implementation
In the first implementation Q-learning technique is used. There is a saved q-table called q_table_test.npy to test the score of implementation. To test the implementation run the following command in the terminal:
>>> python src/ --test True --qtable q_table_test.npy
The second implementation is a Deep Q-Network (DQN) and is implemented in the Cartpole_DQN.ipynb notebook. There is also a google colab link in the notebook. To run the notebook in google colab click on the link and run the notebook.