This template allows you to deploy an OPNsense Firewall VM using the opnsense-bootsrtap installation method. It creates an FreeBSD VM, does a silent install of OPNsense using a modified version of with the settings provided.
The login credentials are set during the installation process to:
- Username: root
- Password: opnsense (lowercase)
*** Please *** change default password !
After deployment, you can go to https://PublicIP, then input the user and password, to configure the OPNsense firewall.
Two new templates have been added to allow create OPNSense on existing VNETs. One using a Single NIC only and a second using Two NICs. Please check this link for more info:
This OPNSense solution is installed in FreeBSD 11.2 (Azure Image). Here is what you will see when you deploy this Template:
- VNET with Two Subnets and OPNSense VM with two NICs.
- VNET Address space is: (suggested Address space, you may change that).
- External NIC named Untrusted Linked to Untrusted-Subnet (
- Internal NIC named Trusted Linked to Trusted-Subnet (
- It creates a NSG named OPN-NSG which allows incoming SSH and HTTPS. Same NSG is associated to both Subnets.
Here is a visual representation of this design:
Here are few considerations to deploy this solution correctly:
- When you deploy this template, it will leave only TCP 22 listening to Internet while OPNSense gets installed.
- To monitor the installation process during template deployment you can just probe the port 22 on OPNSense VM public IP (psping or tcping).
- When port is down which means OPNSense is installed and VM will get restarted automatically. At this point you will have only TCP 443.
Note: It takes about 10 min to complete the whole process when VM is created and a new VM CustomScript is started to install OPNSense.
- First access can be done using HTTPS://PublicIP. Please ignore SSL/TLS errors and proceed.
- Your first login is going to be username "root" and password "opnsense" (PLEASE change your password right the way).
- To access SSH you can either deploy a Jumpbox VM on Trusted Subnet or create a Firewall Rule to allow SSH to Internet.
- To send traffic to OPNSense you need to create UDR and set IP of trusted NIC IP ( as next hop. Associate that NVA to Trusted-Subnet.
- Note: It is necessary to create appropriate Firewall rules inside OPNSense to desired traffic to work properly.
The following improvements will be added soon:
- Give an option to specify VNET Address during deployment (Completed on 04/26/2019).
- Give an option or new template to add extra Subnets like management and DMZ.
- Create Jumpbox option on Trusted Subnet or DMZ.
- Create default UDR from Trusted to route traffic to OPNSense.
Please use Github issues tab to provide feedback. Thanks!