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Flix Premiere Smart TV This app consists of a live movie stream app for smart tv's. It is the smart tv official application for

Getting Started

  1. Access to TV App Agency Engine site with your credentials.
  2. In "Apps" click in "Applications" and search flixpremiere_stv.
  3. In in "flixpremeire_stv" and copy the url of the SVN repository.
  4. Create the local repository using your SVN tool.
  5. Run the debug.html file on your IDE.

Prerequisites -- none --

API Reference This link contains all the API documentation for the flix premiere project: {credentials: user: 'tvappagency', password: 'FlixTV45'}

This link contains all the endpoints for the CMS developed by TV App Agency for Flix Premiere:

For additional info ask your project manager for permissions to the basecamp project page:

Contributors Raphael Courtenay ([email protected] - London's Office) André Freitas ([email protected] - Madeira's Office)

Versioning Please consult the project's SVN log for the informations refering to Versioning.

API Error Codes

CMS Endpoints moviesHome: 101, //'menu/54?cascade=1', movie: 102, //'movies/', related: 103, //'movies/[ID]/related?cascade=2', autoComplete: 104, //'autocomplete?q=[KEY]', searchMovie: 105, //'search/[TITLE]?cascade=2', searchCast: 106, //'movies/[NAME]/list?cascade=2', searchGenre: 107, //'genres/[GENRE]/list?cascade=2', menu: 108, //'menu',

Flix Endpoints signin: 201, //'auth/signin', register: 202, //'auth/become-member', user: 203, //'auth/me', watchMovie: 204, //'films/[ID]/watch', help: 205, //'info/help/[LANG]', terms: 206, //'info/terms/[LANG]', privacy: 207, //'info/privacy/[LANG]', moviePass: 208, //'films/[ID]/pass-status', getReminders: 209, //'member/reminders', emailAddCard: 210, //'member/email-add-card', useTicket: 211, //'films/[ID]/authorise-ticket', languages: 212, //'info/language/tv', storeCard: 213, //'member/wallet/cards', checkPinSet: 214, //'parental-control/check-pin-isset', setPin: 215, //'parental-control/set-pin', setRestriction: 216, //'parental-control/set-restriction', verifyPin: 217, //'parental-control/verify-pin', changePin: 218, //'parental-control/set-pin', recoverPin: 219, //'parental-control/recover-pin', updateSeek: 220, //'viewing-pass/[PASSID]/seek', reviewMovie: 221, //'films/[ID]/review', buyTickets: 222, //'member/wallet/purchase-ticket', myMovies: 223, //'member/films', restrictionsInfo: 224, //'info/parental-control/[LANG]', setReminder: 225, //'films/[ID]/register-interest', pinToWatch: 226, //'parental-control/is-pin-required/[ID]', locale: 227, //'info/locale/stripe' subtitles: 228, //subtitles storeCardGet: 229, //get stored cards cancelReminder: 230, //cancel reminder homeFilms: 231, //get home movies getTickets: 232, about: 233,

Third Party Endpoints stripe: 301


Flix Premiere Smart TV apps






No releases published


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