SPSMAT is an Octave/Matlab package to apply Spectral and Pseudospectral methods for solving ODEs and PDEs. There is a worthy Guidance in ./SPSMATDocumentation.pdf file. To learn how to work with this package read this file first.
This package is written in GNU Octave (Open source Matlab). See Octave.
All Linux, Mac, and Windows users can download and use Octave.
For using the SPSMAT package you need to download and install git. Then you need to make a copy of SPSMAT on your system by running a command on your terminal or cmd:
git clone https://github.com/siaadfilml/SPSMAT.git
Now you have the latest version of SPSMAT.
In some systems, as the last step, open Octave and type in >> setenv PYTHON python3