JavaAPITools - set of utilities to list, compare public APIs and other details for available classes and jar files
- org.jboss.japit.ListAPIMain -- list public methods, fields, class details for specified jar files
- org.jboss.japit.CompareAPIMain -- compare two jar files on public methods, fields and class details
- console
- TXT file
- HTML files
Ensure you have Maven installed, maven-shade-plugin packages all dependencies in final jar
mvn clean package
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.jboss.japit.ListAPIMain" -Dexec.args="arg0 arg1 arg2"
java -cp target/japit.jar org.jboss.japit.ListAPIMain
-c (--class) FQCN : List API only for specified class
-d (--disable-console-output) : Disable text output to the console
-h (--html-output) DIR : Enable HTML output and set output directory
-t (--txt-output) DIR : Enable TXT output and set output directory
Example: java org.jboss.japit.ListAPIMain -c (--class) FQCN -d (--disable-console-output) -h
(--html-output) DIR -t (--txt-output) DIR JarFile1 [JarFile2 ...]
-c (--class) FQCN : List API only for specified class
-d (--disable-console-output) : Disable text output to the console
-e (--enable-declared-items) : Enable declared methods and fiels in comparison
-h (--html-output) DIR : Enable HTML output and set output directory
-i (--ignore-class-version) : Ignore class version in comparison
-s (--suppress-archive-report) : Suppress archive reports in output
-t (--txt-output) DIR : Enable TXT output and set output directory
Example: java org.jboss.japit.CompareAPIMain -c (--class) FQCN -d (--disable-console-output)
-e (--enable-declared-items) -h (--html-output) DIR -i (--ignore-class-version) -s (--suppress-archive-report)
-t (--txt-output) DIR FirstPairFirstJar FirstPairSecondJar [SecondPairFirstJar SecondPairSecondJar ...]