This package helps you integrate the Beyonic into your Laravel application.
Sign up and create your client application
To get started, install the package via the Composer package manager:
composer require bmatovu/laravel-beyonic
Configuration customization
If you wish to customize the default configurations, you may export the default configurations using
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Bmatovu\Beyonic\BeyonicServiceProvider" --tag="config"
Update the following settings in your environment file.
use Bmatovu\Beyonic\Services\Collection;
$collection = new Collection();
// Request a user to pay you
$apiTransactionResponse = $collection->ask('+80000000004', 500);
$transaction = json_decode($apiTransactionResponse);
// Get transaction details
$apiTransactionResponse = $collection->get($transaction->id);
// Get transactions
$apiTransactionsResponse = $collection->all();
If you've stumbled across a bug, please help us by leaving as much information about the bug as possible, e.g.
- Steps to reproduce
- Expected result
- Actual result
This will help us to fix the bug as quickly as possible, and if you wish to fix it yourself feel free to fork the package and submit a pull request!