Simple modular blockchain written in Rust.
- config (contains the config)
- core (contains the blockchain, blocks, transactions, etc.)
- net (contains everything related to networking, like the transport layer, message processor, etc.)
- crypto (contains the crypto stuff, like the private key, signature, etc.)
- Encoding
- VM
- State (State for VM)
- BlockValidator
- Transport (Local, TCP, UDP)
- Storage (used to store blocks)
- Hasher (used to hash Transactions, Blocks, etc.)
Node --> Validator: if validator
Node --> MessageProcessor
Node --> MessageSender
Node --> Blockchain
Node: id
Node: config
Blockchain --> VM
Blockchain --> Block
Blockchain --> Storage
Storage: get(key)
Storage: put(key, value)
Storage: delete(key)
Storage *-- MemStorage
Block --> Transaction
Block: sign(privKey)
Block: verify()
Transaction: sign(privKey)
Transaction: verify()
Transaction: data
Transaction: pubKey
Transaction: signature
Transaction --> VM
Blockchain: add_block(block)
VM *-- ByteCodeVM
VM: execute()
note for VM "executes transactions\nhandles contract state"
VM <--> State
Transport *-- LocalTransport
Transport *-- TcpTransport
Transport: send(to, msg)
Transport: broadcast(to, msg)
note for Transport "communication between nodes"
MessageProcessor --> MessageSender
MessageProcessor --> Transport
MessageProcessor: process_message(from, msg)
MessageSender: send(to, msg)
MessageSender: broadcast(to, msg)
MessageSender --> Transport
Validator --> MessageSender
Validator: privKey
Validator: create_new_block()
participant LocalNode
participant RemoteNode
participant LateNode
Note over LocalNode: is validator
Note left of RemoteNode: Block Syncing
LocalNode->>RemoteNode: get status
RemoteNode->>LocalNode: status
LocalNode->>RemoteNode: get blocks
RemoteNode->>LocalNode: blocks
LocalNode->>LateNode: get status
LateNode->>LocalNode: status
LocalNode->>LateNode: get blocks
LateNode->>LocalNode: blocks
Note left of RemoteNode: Block Creation
loop blocktime
LocalNode-->LocalNode: Create Block
LocalNode->>RemoteNode: send block
LocalNode->>LateNode: send block
- add multiple consensus algorithms
- add multiple vm's (maybe support a webscraping vm?)