A simple yet fasanting discord bot for school servers, with a ton of features. From mathematic conversions to adding reminders and updating classwork and homework at one place is more than great! The calculator and memer always now and then help!
Python and Discord.py,
Numpy and Matplotlib,
A few external API's for joke and meme stuff.
Install the project by github cloning
git clone https://github.com/muhammadanas365/Depressed-Amogoi.git
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/muhammadanas365/Depressed-Amogoi.git
Go to the project directory
cd depressed-amogoi
Chance TOKEN and a few other variables to your liking - TOKEN is Important to Change
Go to main.py and change TOKEN
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the app
python main.py
0. dp help
1. dp ping
2. dp homework
3. dp joke
4. dp meme
For support, email [email protected].
Copyright (c) 2020 ~ Muhammad Anas