This is a work-in-progress library for Java that allows for computations in Java to be expressed inside nodes that can be arbitrarily placed anywhere in a graph. This idea comes from Google library, Tensorflow, but using a different approach in order to allow writing more complex computational graphs in Java.
Here are some examples with using library:
public void testSimpleAddition() throws Exception {
Node<Integer, Integer> startNode = param -> param;
Node<Integer, Integer> plus2 = param -> param + 2;
Node<Integer, String> resultConverter = param -> "The result is: " + param;
VoidNode<String> voidNode = System.out::println;
Graph graph = new GraphBuilder()
.edge(startNode, plus2)
.edge(plus2, resultConverter)
.edge(resultConverter, voidNode)
.build();, 1);
public void testSimpleMultithreading() throws Exception {
Node<Integer[], Integer[]> startNode = param -> param;
VoidNode<Integer[]> printNumbersForSomeReason = param -> IntStream.range(param[0], param[1]).forEach(System.out::println);
VoidNode<Integer[]> printNumbersForSomeReason2 = param -> IntStream.range(param[0], param[1]).forEach(System.out::println);
Graph graph = new GraphBuilder()
.edge(startNode, printNumbersForSomeReason)
.edge(startNode, printNumbersForSomeReason2)
.build();, new Integer[]{0, 1000});