visualise operations on the secp256k1 (bitcoin) elliptic curve
this project is intended purely for understanding concepts. do not use it for live crypto applications
run like so:
./ -m
to generate this git markdown file and images. run without the -m
flag to step through the tutorial image by image using matplotlib (enables
zooming) in your shell.
- point addition (infinite field)
- subtraction and halving (infinite field)
- point addition (finite field) (TODO)
- subtraction and halving (finite field) (TODO)
- bitcoin deterministic keys (TODO)
- signing a message (TODO)
- verifying a message signature (TODO)
- recovering a public key from a signature (TODO)
- cracking a private key (TODO)
the equation of the bitcoin elliptic curve is as follows:
this equation is called secp256k1
and looks like this:
to add two points on the elliptic curve, just draw a line through them and find
the third intersection with the curve, then mirror this third point about the
-axis. for example, adding point p
to point q
note that the third intersection with the curve can also lie between the points being added:
try moving point q
towards point p
along the curve:
clearly as q
approaches p
, the line between q
and p
approaches the
tangent at p
. and at q = p
this line is the tangent. so a point can be
added to itself (p + p
, ie 2p
) by finding the tangent to the curve at that
point and the third intersection with the curve:
ok, but so what? when you say 'add points on the curve' is this just fancy
mathematical lingo, or does this form of addition work like regular addition?
for example does p + p + p + p = 2p + 2p
on the curve?
to answer that, lets check with p
at x = 10
in the top half of the curve:
notice how the tangent to 2p
and the line through p
and 3p
both result
in the same intersection with the curve. lets zoom in to check:
ok they sure seem to converge on the same point, but maybe x = 10
is just a
special case? does point addition work for other values of x
lets try x = 4
in the bottom half of the curve:
so far so good. zooming in:
cool. lets do one last check using point x = 3
in the top half
of the curve:
well, this point addition on the bitcoin elliptic curve certainly works in the graphs. but what if the graphs are innaccurate? maybe the point addition is only approximate and the graphs do not display the inaccuracy...
a more accurate way of testing whether point addition really does work would be
to compute the x
and y
coordinates at point p + p + p + p
and also compute
the x
and y
coordinates at point 2p + 2p
and see if they are identical.
lets check for x = 10
with y in the top half of the curve:
p + p + p + p = (-25983597172720/20434333412807, 205390966891466617199*sqrt(1007)/2931267467590684346699)
2p + 2p = (-25983597172720/20434333412807, 205390966891466617199*sqrt(1007)/2931267467590684346699)
cool! clearly they are identical :) however lets check the more
general case where x
at point p
is a variable in the bottom half of the
at p + p + p + p
, x
is computed as:
and y
is computed as:
at 2p + 2p
, x
is computed as:
and y
is computed as:
compare these results and you will see that that they are identical. this means that addition and multiplication of points on the bitcoin elliptic curve really does work the same way as regular addition and multiplication!
just as points can be added together and doubled and on the bitcoin elliptic, so
they can also be subtracted and halved. subtraction is simply the reverse of
addition - ie if we add point q
to point p
and arrive at point r
logically if we subtract point q
from point r
we should arrive back at p
p + q = r
, therefore (subtracting q
from both sides): p = r - q
. another
way of writing this is r + (-q) = p
. but what is -q
? it is simply the
mirroring of point q
about the x
clearly, subtracting point q
from point r
does indeed result in point
- back where we started.
so if subtraction is possible on the bitcoin elliptic curve, then how about
division? well we have already seen how a point can be added to itself - ie a
doubling (p + p = 2p
), so the converse must also hold true. to get from point
back to point p
constitutes a halving operation. but is it possible?
while it is certainly possible to find the tangent to the curve which passes
through a given point, it must be noted that there exist 2 such tangents - one
in the top half of the curve and one in the bottom:
this means that it is not possible to conduct a point division and arrive at a single solution on the bitcoin elliptic curve. note that this conclusion does not apply to elliptic curves over a finite field, as we will see later on.