Parallax effect in javascript using face tracking, can be a good improvement for 3d scenes. This library uses TFJS with WASM backend on CPU, so your GPU will be free. Supports lazy loading.
Inspired by @lucknknock C# demo
Run npm install parallax-effect
and import it as ES module
import * as Parallax from '../dist/parallax-effect.mjs';
Parallax.init( view => {
console.log( view );
} );
or add it in script tag
<script src=""></script>
Parallax.init( view => {
console.log( view );
} );
View in code below is a 3d vector with components similar to spherical coordinates: x/y in range [-1, 1] and proportional to angle, z is proportional to distance from camera to head. Also you can check for successfull init or change default settings: smoothing, default distance between eyes to change z, threshold in blazeface model or change tfjs source links from jsdelivr to unpkg / own server.
view => {
console.log( view.x, view.y, view.z );
}, {
smoothEye: 0.8, // smoothing eye (x, y)
smoothDist: 0.25, // smoothing distance (z)
defautDist: 0.12, // parameter for distance estimation
threshold = 0.85 // blazeface detection probability
).then( rafId => {
console.log( 'cancelAnimationFrame(' + rafId + ')' );
}).catch( errorMessage => {
console.log( errorMessage );
} );
- smoothing head detection with EMA
- support for iOS/Macs
- lazy load for tfjs
- three.js/pixi.js examples
- mouse fallback
- gyroscope fallback
Feel free to make issues or/and contribute.