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PySpark For AWS Glue

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What's included

The repo is to supplement the youtube video on PySpark for Glue. It includes a cloudfomation template which creates the s3 bucket, glue tables, IAM roles, and csv data files.


  1. Spin up resources using cloudformation template
  2. Add csv files to S3 bucket in relative folder location
  3. Create Glue notebook
  4. Execute PySpark code


Below are the schemas for the tables created in the Glue Data Catalog by the cloudformation template. They also include a small sampke of data to aid the explaination of the coding syntax.


Customerid Firstname Lastname Fullname
293 Catherine Abel Catherine Abel
295 Kim Abercrombie Kim Abercrombie
297 Humberto Acevedo Humberto Acevedo


SalesOrderID SalesOrderDetailID OrderDate DueDate ShipDate EmployeeID CustomerID SubTotal TaxAmt Freight TotalDue ProductID OrderQty UnitPrice UnitPriceDiscount LineTotal
71782 110667 5/1/2014 5/13/2014 5/8/2014 276 293 33319.986 3182.8264 994.6333 37497.4457 714 3 29.994 0 89.982
44110 1732 8/1/2011 8/13/2011 8/8/2011 277 295 16667.3077 1600.6864 500.2145 18768.2086 765 2 419.4589 0 838.9178
44131 2005 8/1/2011 8/13/2011 8/8/2011 275 297 20514.2859 1966.5222 614.5382 23095.3463 709 6 5.7 0 34.2


EmployeeID ManagerID FirstName LastName FullName JobTitle OrganizationLevel MaritalStatus Gender Territory Country Group
276 274 Linda Mitchell Linda Mitchell Sales Representative 3 M F Southwest US North America
277 274 Jillian Carson Jillian Carson Sales Representative 3 S F Central US North America
275 274 Michael Blythe Michael Blythe Sales Representative 3 S M Northeast US North America

Main Tutorial

  1. Create Resources using supplied cloud formation template see video

  2. Upload csv folder/files to S3 bucket see video

  3. Create Glue Notebook see videox

  4. Read data from Customers Table using Notebook Using Dyanmic Frame

    # Read from the customers table in the glue data catalog using a dynamic frame
    dynamicFrameCustomers = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(
    database = "pyspark_tutorial_db", 
    table_name = "customers"
    # Show the top 10 rows from the dyanmic dataframe
  5. Check data types in Dynamic Frame

    # Check types in dynamic frame
  6. Count The Number of Rows in a Dyanmic DataFrame

    # Count The Number of Rows in a Dyanmic Dataframe 
  7. Select Fields From A Dynamic frame

    # Selecting certain fields from a Dyanmic DataFrame
    dyfCustomerSelectFields = dynamicFrameCustomers.select_fields(["customerid", "fullname"])
    # Show top 10
  8. Drop Columns in a Dynamic Frame

    #Drop Fields of Dynamic Frame
    dyfCustomerDropFields = dynamicFrameCustomers.drop_fields(["firstname","lastname"])
    # Show Top 10 rows of dyfCustomerDropFields Dynamic Frame
  9. Rename Columns in a Dynamic Frame

    # Mapping array for column rename fullname -> name
    mapping=[("customerid", "long", "customerid","long"),("fullname", "string", "name", "string")]
    # Apply the mapping to rename fullname -> name
    dfyMapping = ApplyMapping.apply(
                                    frame = dyfCustomerDropFields, 
                                    mappings = mapping, 
                                    transformation_ctx = "applymapping1"
    # show the new dynamic frame with name column
  10. Filter data in a Dynamic Frame

    # Filter dynamicFrameCustomers for customers who have the last name Adams
    dyfFilter=  Filter.apply(frame = dynamicFrameCustomers, 
                                            f = lambda x: x["lastname"] in "Adams"
    # Show the top 10 customers  from the filtered Dynamic frame
  11. Join Two Dynamic frames on a equality join

    • read up orders dynamic frame
      # Read from the ccustomers table in the glue data catalog using a dynamic frame
      dynamicFrameOrders = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(
      database = "pyspark_tutorial_db", 
      table_name = "orders"
      # show top 10 rows of orders table
    • join customers and orders dynamic frame
      # Join wwo dynamic frames on an equality join
      dfyjoin = dynamicFrameCustomers.join(["customerid"],["customerid"],dynamicFrameOrders)
      # show top 10 rows for the joined dynamic
  12. Write Down Data from a Dynamic Frame To S3

    • Create a folder in the S3 bucket created by Cloudformation to use as a location to write the data down to write_down_dyf_to_s3
    • Write down data to S3 using the dyanmic DataFrame writer class for an S3 path.
      # write down the data in a Dynamic Frame to S3 location. 
                              frame = dynamicFrameCustomers,
                              connection_options = {"path": "s3://<YOUR_S£_BUCKET_NAME>/write_down_dyf_to_s3"}, 
                              format = "csv", 
                                  "separator": ","
                              transformation_ctx = "datasink2")
  13. Write Down Data from a Dynamic Frame using Glue Data Catalog

    # write data from the dynamicFrameCustomers to customers_write_dyf table using the meta data stored in the glue data catalog 
        database = "pyspark_tutorial_db",  
        table_name = "customers_write_dyf"
  14. Convert from Dynamic Frame To Spark DataFrame

    # Dynamic Frame to Spark DataFrame 
    sparkDf = dynamicFrameCustomers.toDF()
    #show spark DF
  15. Selecting Colunmns In a Spark DataFrame

    # Select columns from spark dataframe
    dfSelect ="customerid","fullname")
    # show selected
  16. Add Columns In A Spark Dataframe

  • creating a new column with a literal string
    #import lit from sql functions 
    from  pyspark.sql.functions import lit
    # Add new column to spark dataframe
    dfNewColumn = sparkDf.withColumn("date", lit("2022-07-24"))
    # show df with new column
  • Using concat to concatonate two columns together
    #import concat from functions 
    from  pyspark.sql.functions import concat
    # create another full name column
    dfNewFullName = sparkDf.withColumn("new_full_name",concat("firstname",concat(lit(' '),"lastname")))
    #show full name column
  1. Dropping Columns
    # Drop column from spark dataframe
    dfDropCol = sparkDf.drop("firstname","lastname")
    #show dropped column df
  2. Renaming columns
    # Rename column in Spark dataframe
    dfRenameCol = sparkDf.withColumnRenamed("fullname","full_name")
    #show renamed column dataframe
  3. GroupBy and Aggregate Operations
    # Group by lastname then print counts of lastaname and show
  4. Filtering Columns and Where clauses
  • Filter the spark dataframe
    # Filter spark DataFrame for customers who have the last name Adams
    sparkDf.filter(sparkDf["lastname"] == "Adams").show()
  • Where clause
    # Where clause spark DataFrame for customers who have the last name Adams
    sparkDf.where("lastname =='Adams'").show()
  1. Joins
  • read up orders dataset and convert to spark dataframe
    # Read from the ccustomers table in the glue data catalog using a dynamic frame and convert to spark dataframe
    dfOrders = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(
                                            database = "pyspark_tutorial_db", 
                                            table_name = "orders"
  • Inner join for Spark Dataframe All Data
    # Inner Join Customers Spark DF to Orders Spark DF
    sparkDf.join(dfOrders,sparkDf.customerid ==  dfOrders.customerid,"inner").show(truncate=False)
  • Inner Join Adams only
    #Get customers that only have surname Adams
    dfAdams = sparkDf.where("lastname =='Adams'")
    # inner join on Adams DF and orders
    dfAdams.join(dfOrders,dfAdams.customerid ==  dfOrders.customerid,"inner").show()
  • Left Join
    #left join on orders and adams df
    dfOrders.join(dfAdams,dfAdams.customerid ==  dfOrders.customerid,"left").show(100)
  1. Writing data down using the Glue Data Catalog
  • delete data from S3 in customers_write_dyf and write_down_dyf_to_s3
  • convert from spark Dataframe to Glue Dynamic DataFrame
    # Import Dyanmic DataFrame class
    from awsglue.dynamicframe import DynamicFrame
    #Convert from Spark Data Frame to Glue Dynamic Frame
    dyfCustomersConvert = DynamicFrame.fromDF(sparkDf, glueContext, "convert")
    #Show converted Glue Dynamic Frame
  • Write Dyanmic DataFrame down to S3 location
    # write down the data in converted Dynamic Frame to S3 location. 
                                frame = dyfCustomersConvert,
                                connection_options = {"path": "s3://<YOUR_S3_BUCKET_NAME>/write_down_dyf_to_s3"}, 
                                format = "csv", 
                                    "separator": ","
                                transformation_ctx = "datasink2")
  • Write Dyanmic DataFrame using Glue Data Catalog
    # write data from the converted to customers_write_dyf table using the meta data stored in the glue data catalog 
        frame = dyfCustomersConvert,
        database = "pyspark_tutorial_db",  
        table_name = "customers_write_dyf")


Johnny Chivers

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Enjoy 🤘


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