This repository has been created as a Capstone Project for The Coding School - Qubit by Qubit's 2nd Semester of session 2023-2024. The project demonstrates the usage of Quantum Key Distribution for communication of mesages between two parties, attempting to prevent any interference from an eavesdropper.
- Python >= v3.9
- Cirq == v1.3.0 => An open source framework for programming quantum computers provided by Google
Contains list of dependencies to be installed before running the project.
To install
pip install -r requirements.txt
Contains basic functions and declarations as follows:
import cirq
from random import choices
encode_gates = { 0: cirq.I, 1: cirq.X }
basis_gates = { 'X': cirq.H, 'Y': cirq.Y, 'Z': cirq.I }
get_qubits = lambda n: cirq.NamedQubit.range(n, prefix='q')
def text_to_bits(text):
bits = ''.join(format(ord(char), '08b') for char in text)
return [int(bit) for bit in bits]
def bits_to_text(bits):
text = ''.join(chr(int(''.join(map(str, bits[i:i+8])), 2)) for i in range(0, len(bits), 8))
return text
Contains function for decryption
import cirq
from . import basis_gates, get_qubits
def decrypt_message(encrypted_circuit, num_bits, private_key, bases):
qubits = get_qubits(num_bits)
circuit = cirq.Circuit()
for idx in range(num_bits):
basis_value = bases[idx]
basis_gate = basis_gates[basis_value]
qubit = qubits[idx]
circuit.append(cirq.measure(qubits, key=private_key))
bb84_circuit = encrypted_circuit + circuit
sim = cirq.Simulator()
results =
key = results.measurements[private_key][0]
return key
Contains function for encryption
import cirq
from . import encode_gates, basis_gates, get_qubits
def encrypt_message(message_bits, num_bits, bases):
qubits = get_qubits(num_bits)
circuit = cirq.Circuit()
for idx in range(num_bits):
encode_value = message_bits[idx]
encode_gate = encode_gates[encode_value]
basis_value = bases[idx]
basis_gate = basis_gates[basis_value]
qubit = qubits[idx]
return circuit
Contains the driver code to run the project and manage inputs.
To run
imports the above modules to perform operations like converting message to bits, encryption, decryption, comparing bases and checking for eavesdropper.
- importing modules
from src import text_to_bits, bits_to_text
from src.encryption import encrypt_message
from src.decryption import decrypt_message
from random import choices
- converting message to bits
message = "My journey with The Coding School - Qubit by Qubit, has been truly unique and exceptional."
message_bits = text_to_bits(message)
num_bits = len(message_bits)
- getting encryption circuit
base_options = ['Z', 'X']
encryption_bases = choices(base_options, k=num_bits)
encrypted_circuit = encrypt_message(message_bits, num_bits, encryption_bases)
- getting decrypted bits
private_key = 'some random key'
decryption_bases = choices(base_options, k=num_bits)
decrypted_bits = decrypt_message(encrypted_circuit, num_bits, private_key, decryption_bases)
- comparing bases
private_key = 'some random key'
decryption_bases = choices(base_options, k=num_bits)
decrypted_bits = decrypt_message(encrypted_circuit, num_bits, private_key, decryption_bases)
- checking for an eavesdropper
if encrypted[0] == decrypted[0]:
encrypted = encrypted[1:]
decrypted = decrypted[1:]
print('Keys are not compromised.')
print('Eve was listening, we need to use a different channel!')
If the first bits of the above encrypted and decrypted bits are equal, we can conclude that the communication went through without any interference of an eavesdropper. If the eavesdropper had tried to read the message, the bits would have been compromised alarming the two parties.