Add the JitPack repository to your build file
Add the dependency
To perform authentication Worldpay requires three types of keys:
- secureNetId - should be received by email after account registration, also available in a Virtual Terminal
- secureKey - you can obtain the Secure Key by signing into the Virtual Terminal with the login credentials that you were emailed to you during the sign-up process. You will then need to navigate to Settings and click on the Key Management link.
- developerId - "12345678" for developer sandbox, should be changed after certification.
Create Worldpay client instance
import com.mvpotter.worldpay.client.RetrofitWorldPayClient;
import com.mvpotter.worldpay.client.WorldPayClient;
final WorldPayClient client = new RetrofitWorldPayClient("secureNetId", "secureKey", "developerId");
Invoke client method
import com.mvpotter.worldpay.client.model.Card;
import com.mvpotter.worldpay.client.request.ChargeRequest;
import com.mvpotter.worldpay.client.exception.WorldPayException;
final Card card = new Card();
try {
// one time payment
client.charge(new ChargeRequest(100.0, card));
} catch (WorldPayException e) {
// handle API exception
} catch (IOException e) {
// handle network exception