We expect all team members to follow these four rules on the game and on our Discord.
- Be friendly and respectful to our team. Bullying, harassing, lying, abusing your role, and spamming are examples of not being respectful. ❤️
- We promote players who were on the team during the last 7 days, were active, has 1700+ trophies, & is on Discord membership (for Pro promotions) 📈
- We demote/boot players who are inactive in the last 7 days or violated a rule 😞
- Team members who get promoted to pro are eligible for a free 3PFL Sticker 💌
- If you want to tie with another player, spam NOO x3. If the other player responds the same or responds with a 👍, it means you agree to help each other.
- Don't give us a reason to change the rules because of you
We are trying to create a friendly + active team environment. To that end, all teammates -- regardless of level even up to Captain -- are expected to:
- Be respectful to all teammates even if the other side was at fault. Some examples of violations include bullying, harassment, lying, griefing, vulgarity, or rudeness that's targeted to a teammate.
- Support our family friendly community. Some examples of violations include abusing your team role, making discriminatory statements, being egregiously not family friendly, or egregious spam.
- Not break any laws or Noodlecake's Terms of Service
When a rule violation is identified:
- If this is an emergency situation where action must be taken immediately to protect the team or a player, any captain or co-captain can take action immediately. Some examples include illegal activity, actual threats to one's safety, attempting to destroy the team, etc.
- In all other cases, the captains will privately discuss this matter. They will decide if a warning, demotion, and/or booting is appropriate based on the severity & confidence of the issue at hand. A verdict can be reached once 3 co-captains/captains explicitly agrees, so long as there isn't more co-captains/captains explicitly disagreeing.
If you want to report a team member for violating these rules, try to take evidence if possible and let us know by DM'ing a captain on Discord or by submitting a report on our Homepage.
Once a week (on a randomly selected day) we will promote eligible players by +1 Tier. Promotions are done to encourage activity & appropriate behaviors. Players are eligible for promotion if they fulfill ALL of these:
- Was on the team and active during the past 7 days.
- Met the current trophy min or is above 1700, whichever is lower.
- Did not recently violate Rule #1.
- To go from Amateur to Pro: Must be on the 3PFL Discord or actively engaged in the game chat. (p.s. once you're a Pro, you can request a free physical team sticker.)
- To go from Pro to Co-Captains: These are done rarely, on an invite basis for players who've made exceptional contributions to the team.
Players may receive a -1 tier demotion during Promotion Day if they didn't play or wasn't active during the past 7 days. Players may be demoted or booted out of turn if they violated Rule #1.
If a 'Rookie' player had a reason to be demoted again, they become a candidate for booting at the next need for an available seat. We will always try to warn booted players on Discord whenever possible. We boot players according to these factors:
- We do not want more than one open seat at any given time.
- Captains may use alt players to fill extra seats, as a mechanism to keep our trophy count high enough, until we can go back to a max of one open seat. When this happens, a captain must notify the team what player that is.
- When a seat opens, captains should start with a higher trophy minimum and slowly lower it the longer the seat remains unfilled.
- We prioritize inviting prior team members back, who didn't leave due to negative behaviors, so long as their trophy count is within -200 trophies of what the current trophy minimum is.
Players who became Pro for the first time are eligible to request a free sticker and/or iron-on patch of our team logo mailed out. Fill out the form at our homepage to request one. This is our gift to say thank you for being on our team.
If you request an Iron On Patch, follow these instructions to apply it. You'll have to BYO Parchment or Wax Paper in Step 3.
In a 2 player trophy game, both players may opt to throw the match so nobody loses trophies. To propose doing this, one player must spam the 'Nooo' emoji three times. The other player must respond with the 'Nooo' emoji three times or with a 👍. If they don't respond this way, this rule is not active, it's game on, and this is allowable.
It is against the rules for:
- Both players to agree to help and for one player to use that opportunity to backstab the other player into an easy win.
- For one player to explicitly taunt or grief a teammate in a 1v1 game.
When this happens, please provide video evidence if you can and report it to @iwidji on Discord or via our Homepage.
If you're testing the Team Rules to see how far you can go, brace yourself for disappointment just like meeting a fellow person who believes the hotdog is a sandwich. These rules can change at anytime with no warning to protect a friendly & active team environment.
You are always welcome and encouraged to chat with a captain or co-captain if you have questions or feedback. You can do that on Discord or via our Homepage