The goal of this project is to demonstrate your knowledge of DevOps practices by deploying a full application to AWS. You will need to create a group of EC2 instances that will run the applications backend services, a RDS postgres instance for the application to store data, and deploy a frontend static site to an s3 bucket.
The application consists of a Node frontend and a Go backend in separate directories.
There is also an infrastructure directory containing terraform code for setting up AWS resources to host the application.
Each directory contains a Makefile consisting of common commands for building, linting, running, testing, etc...
aws s3 cp public s3://${{ secrets.S3_BUCKET_NAME }}/ --recursive --acl public-read
printf ${{ secrets.BASE64_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }} | base64 -d > private_key && \
chmod 0600 private_key
envsubst < .env.template > dist/todo.env
This step must be run with the following environment variables:
for i in ${{ secrets.EC2_INSTANCE_IPS }}; do
echo "Starting deploy to $i...";
echo " Stopping service if running...";
ssh -i ./private_key -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${{ secrets.EC2_INSTANCE_USER }}@$i 'sudo systemctl is-active --quiet todo && sudo systemctl stop todo || exit 0';
echo " Copying files to instance...";
scp -ri ./private_key dist ${{ secrets.EC2_INSTANCE_USER }}@$i:~/todo;
echo " Moving files into place on instance...";
ssh -i ./private_key ${{ secrets.EC2_INSTANCE_USER }}@$i '
sudo rm -rf /opt/todo &&
sudo mv ~/todo /opt/todo &&
sudo ln -sfn /opt/todo/todo /usr/local/bin/todo &&
sudo ln -sfn /opt/todo/todo.service /etc/systemd/system/todo.service &&
sudo systemctl daemon-reload';
for i in ${{ secrets.EC2_INSTANCE_IPS }}; do
echo "Starting service on $i...";
ssh -i ./private_key ${{ secrets.EC2_INSTANCE_USER }}@$i 'sudo systemctl is-enabled --quiet todo || sudo systemctl enable todo';
ssh -i ./private_key ${{ secrets.EC2_INSTANCE_USER }}@$i 'sudo systemctl start todo';
ssh -i ./private_key ${{ secrets.EC2_INSTANCE_USER }}@$i 'sudo systemctl is-active --quiet todo';
I have created the following env vars needed to deploy this project.
export TF_VAR_github_token= export TF_VAR_github_user= export TF_VAR_access_key= export TF_VAR_secret_key=