Yet another little list of μnging tools shortcuts in python, this is a small work in progress and is composed by some parts:
A list of very simple steps in the Text Muging:
- ExtraWhite( string )
- When we make web scraping the text can contain extra-spaces at start and end, new line character and so on. This function delete that and remove extra first 127 ASCII with a nice spanishdict work.
- WebCleanText( string )
- When we make web scraping the text can contain extra-spaces in the middle, commas and so on. This function delete that.
- KeyAndValue( string, symbol string )
- When Make web scraping the data commonly has a title and the data are after ':' or other simbol, this split in key and data
A list of very simple shortcuts for pandas work:
Vectors2Df( list of vectors, list of column names )
- In this case convert a vector list to Pandas Data Frame, ingest a list of lists and a list of column names <- Vector2Df([y,u], c), return a pandas dataframe. Example of use:
y = ['a','b','c'] u = ['d','e','f'] c = ['g',2] Vectors2Df([y,u], c) Vectors2Df([u], str(c[0]) )
- GetMozService()
- When we make web scraping sometimes need start a webdriver, this function start a Mozilla driver and then install it if is not present. Example of use:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from munging import GetMozService # url_Base = "" driver = GetMozService() driver.get(url_Base) pageDTA = driver.page_source soup = BeautifulSoup(pageDTA, 'lxml') print(soup)